Cuban Montecristo cigar is one of the premium cigars that boast of rich history and reputation. It has earned such great popularity around the world because of its meticulous hand-crafting and its variety of premium blends to cater to different tastes. Cigar specialists have such high regard for it because of its superior flavour, strength and body. Since its rise to popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, Montecristo cigar has been one of Cuba’s top selling brands as it has become a much-coveted variety. It has also sealed its reputation all over the world among cigar enthusiasts. Of Rich History and High Quality The inspiration behind the brand’s name came from Alexandre Dumas’s novel The Count of Monte Cristo. It was claimed that the book was very popular among the cigar rollers in their factory. But it was the efforts of Alfred Dunhill that brought the Montecristo to such great heights of worldwide popularity and making it the most popular Cuban cigar in the world. The cigar’s rich history is also the reason why the brand enjoys such pedigree. Apart from that, the fact that the brand originated from Cuba speaks for itself. Cuban cigars have the reputation of excellence and superiority. They generally have exceptional blends to achieve that superior taste. Cuban Montecristo cigars also produce well-balanced and tasty smoke because it is excellently flavoured and full-bodied. Most Popular Most cigar connoisseurs have such high esteem for Montecristo No 2 because it is one of the most complex and flavourful cigars. People who smoke this kind regard this as truly wonderful especially when it is properly aged and appropriately constructed. The cigar initially has a mellow, creamy and sweet taste that it suggestive of roses. The smell is also intoxicating. It has the intoxicating smell of fresh red roses coupled with another subtle aroma. As one progresses with smoking the cigar, the scent of roses become more intense and the taste of cocoa starts to build up. Some even likened the taste to that of a rich and powerful woody and cedar flavours, which can give smokers their complete satisfaction. Beautiful Packaging Cuban Montecristo cigar has one of the best-selling look in the market. They generally have a very good appearance complete with a wrapper that looks very much like chocolate. Its construction is also flawless. It is hand-rolled and is made under the precise supervision of master cigar makers; definitely remarkable. The cigar’s intricate creation is also the reason why users will barely find an ash falling from it. The cigar’s structure though is fairly simple. Its core is the filler and the source of all its flavours. The binder, which is made up of coarse tobacco, holds everything together. Its wrapper, on the hand, is composed of silky leaves. Cigars of Habanos offer the verity of Cigars online such as Cuban Montecristo cigar and best Cuban cigars with quality on very affordable price. Get more advantage and more discount on buying online from
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