Mausoleum Mausoleum is nothing but an independent free style building that allows a burial chamber or burial chambers to bury the departed ones. Mausoleum is one of the ways to express our sympathy, love, affection, respect and honor the departed one. It is one kind of testimonial to the departed one. It is a live example for the departed one’s glory, achievements, victories and great things he had done in his life time. Generally, mausoleums are in two types. They are individual mausoleums and family or private mausoleums. These are constructed by the great rulers for the great leaders in the world. Now, you can see Taj Mahal, Agra in India; Md. Jinnah’s Mausoleum in Pakistan, Mao-Tse-Tung’s Mausoleum in China is the live examples for the Mausoleum . These mausoleums can construct with granite, marble, tiles, bricks, concrete and wood. Family Mausoleum Family mausoleum is the live example for the greatness of family members. Family mausoleums constructed by the rulers or any one of the family member to commemorate the greatness of the family members. Generally, these are constructed for the Royal families, rich families, rulers and great dynasties. General Suhartho’s family mausoleum in Indonesia is the best live example for the family maus Family mausoleum may be constructed by the raw materials such as granite, marble, blue metal, bricks and wood. Granite and marble family mausoleums were constructed for the great rulers and rich persons in the world. The most common mausoleum is the bricks using concrete. You may cover the walls and doors with silver, bronze and gold. The cost of the family mausoleum is depending on the raw material used to construct it. Mausoleum Repair Constructing the mausoleum is not great thing, maintaining in a good manner is the great thing. Yes, it is right. You can see lots of mausoleums are abandoned due to lack of proper maintenance. If there is no proper care and mausoleum maintenance, repairs will be occurred due to climatic changes, air pollution, water pollution and acid rains. In course of time mausoleum repair will be occurred. To repair mausoleums, you can find different mausoleum & monument inspection and repair service providers in the world. You can find them in online. There are two stages in mausoleum repair
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