Non Surgical Abortion Procedures are also called Medical Abortion. These procedures are usually done in the first trimester of a pregnancy. There are two methods associated with non surgical abortion; Abortion Pills and aspiration procedure. Both these procedure allow the uterus to release the fetus or pregnancy tissue naturally thereby causing no damage to the uterine wall. Use of abortifacient drugs like misoprostol, mifepristone and abortion pill is used to induce abortion. The latter blocks pregnancy hormones and provoke periods thereby causing contractions of the uterus and it ousts the pregnancy lining. This is a safer way of abortion in consideration to surgical abortion procedures which cause abrasion to the uterine wall. Statistics show that the use of these drugs is commonly used and preferred as the regime for early abortion. These drugs; mifepristone, misoprostol and methotrexate are either taken solely or combined therefore the mother is encouraged to consult a physician or doctor who is qualified in that area. It has been noted to be safer and better to administer mifepristone in the abortion facility and then misoprostol will be later taken while the patient is at home. It has proved to be a cheap and cost effective method that is able to favour even the ones who are not well up and surgical abortion will be a challenge to them. Aspiration will be the major focus of my article. It is a gentle process whereby pressure is tenderly applied. This pressure results to release of the pregnancy through the cervix. The physician or doctor from the cervix takes the excrete with a handheld medical device. The reason why this procedure is far much liked is that it has less discomfort as it takes place, one isn't required to starve or not eat anything before it is done, one is able to resume the normal errands after it has been conducted and last but not least, the mother retains her uterus at its original way (no scrapping or injure and also no electric suction done). These benefits make people who opt for abortion earlier at a better situation than those who opt for late term abortion that mostly indulges surgical procedures. Non surgical abortion procedure requires no operation rooms therefore it can be conducted under primary care. A thin disinfected tube or gadget that is about the size of a pencil is placed in the cervix and tenderly applied. Possibility of getting injured in the uterus is minimal making aspiration method a noninvasive and secure procedure. World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed the aspiration method and Abortion Pill as the most secure procedures. This method favour women who are obese but don't have a cardiovascular history and surgical abortion would prove a problem also a mother who has uterine malformations or is old and has fibroid uterus. This therefore shows how safe and secure a patient is if she opts to use the medical abortion procedures. These have less complication reported and as long as proper advice is given by a qualified doctor, the patient will resume daily routine immediately.
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