Whenever you are free or spending a leisure quality time at home, it really stabs in your heart and hammer you in your mind the awful and merciful sight your kitchen portrays. There is no other solution to fix the terrible unorganized and messy stuffy kitchen except for a high budgeted kitchen renovation. The first step is to prepare kitchen renovation checklist and then finalize the most important highly prioritized tasks. An easy way is to grab a pen and paper and start brainstorming of ideas along with your budget to fully renovate your kitchen as per your requirements and dynamic fashion trends. 1. It’s the mist basic step to start off with the big changes and adjusting them with the smaller ones that should be dealt at the end. This way you will definitely cut out on cost ensuring the completion of the bigger and highly precedent tasks rather than spending insanely on the smaller ones and spending time in fixing less important and less critical issues. For instance, if you need to install fall ceilings with automatic exhaustible chimneys you need to have adjustments in the structure. Moreover the whole kitchen architecture would be repositioned. 2.The slabs either of laminate, wood or granite etc has to be fixed first. This is time consuming as it requires plenty of your time to decide which style to go for, what’s hot in fashion and deciding upon something that is in budget and still classy and presumed to have survived gradual changes in trends over time. However these all are extra luxuries and comforts, the main focus should be on the durability and functionality they will perform. 3.The kitchens counter tops, are also adjusted into the walls along the cabinets and drawers therefore they also need to be adjusted first before going towards the secondary tasks. 4.The change in tiling and flooring is a must. But it is essential to assign this task after the completion of the main construction and heavy tasks that needed extra labor so that the perfect finish is retained at the end. The pattern of tiles and the basic color theme of the overall flooring must match and synchronize with the overall pattern selected for the counter tops, cabinets and drawers. 5. The lighting and electrical work must be completed in parallel to the change of sink and sanitation. It is highly recommended not to dislocate the sanitation pipelines and sink position as it is hundred times difficult and costly to get through all the tough labor work, sanitation etc. though the electrical work is also time consuming but it is relatively less hectic and less costly. Moreover it imparts an extra glamour look to your old dull kitchen. If all the above mentioned tasks are rightly done and in order then the remaining tasks are petty relative to them. The painting, final finishing, doors and glass windows adjustments and reorganizing of your kitchen appliances—and you will find your kitchen simply marvelous!
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