During the normal aging process of a girl becoming women, there is a constant feeding of words of wisdom and folklore tales regarding the basic dos and don’ts. One of the most common cautious words that every girl gets to hear is about getting pregnant before the age of 30. Avoid bathing during the periods is yet another folklore tale that can be heard during this time period. One more issue that is brought forward during this time period is the concept of getting pregnant after abortion. There are innumerable discussions based around this topic and are often backed by a strong misconception. It is often believed that once you undergo abortion for your first pregnancy, there are 99.99% chances that you will not be able to conceive again. If you also somehow believe in this fact, then reading further might help in enlightening your path. Further in this piece of writing, a good number of common issues related to pregnancy after abortion are discussed in detailed. These discussions are based on the firm opinions of professionals at some of the well-reputed and professional Abortion Clinic Jacksonville Fl. Future Pregnancy Getting pregnant after abortion is surely possible. Abortion Clinics all around the world do have a good number of women in their list of patients who have had undergone and have been easily able to conceive later on in the future. Getting pregnant after an abortion is only possible after the women’s ovulation resumes and uterus is completely healed. There have also been cases regarding women being able to conceive even before the ovulation as resumed. It would not be exaggerated to say that women can get pregnant after abortion. However, the post abortion pregnancy is subjected to a good number of risks. Some of most common risks are outlined further in this article. Risks Involved 1. Post Abortive Syndrome A good number of women suffer from this syndrome. In this condition, the women normally feel depressed, guilty and experience a great deal of anxiety. This can take an emotional toll on the lady and might further deteriorate her health. This can even have a negative effect on the maternal nature and reduce the chances of second conceiving. 2. Immediate Pregnancy The action of conceiving soon after an abortion can increase the risk of miscarriage in a woman. Also, the chances of premature delivery are enhanced in a great manner. This can multiply the complications for the lady in getting pregnant after abortion. 3. Scarring the Uterine Lining There might be some instances when abortion might lead to damaging the uterine lining and thereby, leading to the blockage of fallopian tube. This is further lead to permanent infertility in women. 4. Retention of Placenta There is also the possibility of retention of the placenta that is required to be eliminated after the abortion has been completed. This retention can cause further complications in a woman and might result in issues with the second conceiving. Getting pregnant and thereby undergoing abortion is quite a disturbing affair. In case you plan to get pregnant after undergoing abortion procedures, consulting Abortion Clinic Jacksonville Fl for professional guidance and help might prove to be really useful. Abortion Clinic Jacksonville Fl. Orlando Women's Center was established in March 1996 by Dr. Pendergraft to provide a full range of health care for women, including, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services, abortions etc. Please Visit Us at Abortion Clinic Jacksonville Fl.
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