It is a widely known fact that quitting cigarette smoking is among the hardest challenges in life. Nicotine is known to be much like Heroin, when it comes to its addictive power over the consumer. Inside commercial cigarettes there's a whole host of chemical compounds deliberately added in order to increase the addiction of those that smoke them. Perhaps because of the enormously addictive nature of nicotine itself, the idea of electronic cigarettes came about thanks to a Chinese scientist called Hon Lik who, in 2004, discovered a means to generate fake smoke without having to burn any kind of tobacco. There are more than a few reasons why you should quit smoking cigarettes. Naturally most reasons pale into insignificance in comparison with the deadly fate awaiting the great majority of tobacco smokers. Tobacco smoking kills, it's really just as simple as that. Each year in the US alone, half a million families mourn the death of a loved one who smoked. These are statistics which need no pretty charts to demonstrate the seriousness of the problem, the stats are truly terrifying. So, when you have made a decision to give up tobacco smoking, you begin the agonizing process of trying to learn the best way to cope with everyday life without nicotine inside your blood stream. Lots of people struggle for months and years with this challenge, typically failing sooner or later and going back to the smokes. Regardless of the myriad of smoking cessation resources readily available, some people just can't confront one day without a smoke. If you are one of these types of people, and you want to quit but are not able to, perhaps electronic cigarettes are worth looking into? E-cigarettes, or E-Cigs as some people call them, are clever modern devices which will generate a false sort of smoke by simply mixing electrical energy with a chemical concoction, giving off a substance just like smoke which is actually water vapour. This false smoke is laced with nicotine in amounts which you can choose yourself. Using electronic cigarettes to help you give up smoking tobacco is an idea surrounded by discussion and debate. For many people involved in the argument, electronic cigarettes shouldn't be seen as a stop smoking tool, given that they do still supply a source of nicotine for the user. Nevertheless, for anyone who has been smoking cigarettes for many years, and failed to give up many times, the value of discovering a means to get your nicotine but without the perilous risks of using tobacco is simply monumental. Electronic cigarettes essentially allow the cigarette smoker to stop one habit, by taking up another, but when the health hazards are so dramatically reduced, surely this idea shouldn't be put aside without a lot more analysis, and maybe actually giving it a go for yourself. By using electronic cigarettes, the tobacco smoker can still sense a familiar taste, and can still satisfy the non chemical habit of cigarette smoking for example the process of puffing and having an item in their hand to "fiddle" with, smokers will understand this concept only too well! After several months of smoking electronic cigarettes, the user hasn't given up smoking completely because they are still getting their fix of nicotine just as before, but they have still made a pretty major accomplishment in ceasing their intake of ordinary tobacco and all sorts of hazards which go together with doing so. They can then approach the idea of quitting the nicotine once more, and most smokers concur that quitting e-cigarettes is way easier than giving up that familiar scent and taste of normal cigarette tobacco. There is absolutely no doubt that electronic cigarettes do offer significant benefits to those who have tried to give up cigarettes before but were unsuccessful, and they might be of interest as being a serious aid to taking those very first baby steps, away from using tobacco products, and towards a healthier brighter future. is a new website aimed at investigating the health impact of electronic cigarettes, and also assessing their ability to help people kick the habit of tobacco smoking out of their lives for good.
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electronic cigarettes, quit smoking, stop smoking, tobacco, nicotine,