Yoga and asanas not only improve your inner health but can also help you improve your body posture. However, they can’t make any alterations in your height but can noticeably improve your overall appearance. Nowadays, almost everyone faces a problem with their body posture. All this happens because of long hectic work schedules, constant hunching over computer or laptop and ever growing weight of school bags. So, when performed correctly, yoga asanas align your body in perfect vertical straight shape. Let us look at some of the special types of yoga that work on your body alignment. Tadasana: It may look simple when you look at the videos of tadasana but when performed is might seem quite complex because it takes a lot of time, effort and practice to do it correctly. At first, you have to stand straight pushing the shoulders back. Strongly root the feet into the floor bringing all your weight evenly onto them. It takes a lot of practice in ensuring that your shoulders are just parallel to your pelvis because you tend to lose control. This happens gradually showing a positive change in your body posture. Beginners can practice it against a wall to vertically align their body and block the feet onto the floor. Bridge Pose: Also known as half wheel, this pose improves spinal flexibility while strengthening it. The asana is performed by lying on the back and bending the knees, lifting the hips up and straightening the arms on the floor. Release gradually stretching the legs and lowering down the back on the floor and relax. Perform at least 6-8 times to see quick results. Make sure that your yoga postures are correct otherwise it may result in pulling of muscles. Beginners must take complete care while performing this asana. Try relaxing and doing everything slowly and calmly. For these yoga and asanas, you will have to take out time from your morning or evening schedule and make a routine. Moreover, you can’t perform them full stomach. There are other stretches and exercises that you can do during the day time no matter whether you’re at home or office. All you need to do is take out ten minutes and try these moves and stretches to improve your posture and relax your body. Neck rolls can be performed almost everywhere and believe me it works wonders. If you’re wearing high heels, take them off, relax a while and then stretch yourself to roll your neck in clock and anti-clock wise. Take at least three circles in each direction and remember not to hurry because it may pull your muscles. Forward bend is another one that you can perform where you are seated. Push your chair back and bring your feet forward. Interlace your hands to take them up and then fold your waist to kneel on your knees. Do it 3-4 times a day and see the difference. is an online portal dedicated to offer readers complete information about yoga and asanas and their positive impact in daily life.
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