Every woman faced with an unplanned pregnancy must decide whether to have her child, give her child away (adoption) or have an abortion. If she decides on the latter, she has to make the choice between a surgical or non-surgical abortion procedure. The advantages and disadvantages, complications and side effects must all be considered in order for a woman to decide which procedure is best suited for her individual circumstances. The type of abortion method (Medical Abortion or Surgical Abortion) will depend on the gestation of the fetus, the physician’s experience and ultimately what the patient desires. Surgical Procedure: Before undergoing the surgical abortion procedure, a sonogram is performed to establish the number of weeks of the pregnancy. The surgical method involves the use of plastic or metal dilators which dilate the cervix. A plastic sterile cannula is inserted and a tube is used to connect the cannula to an electronic vacuum aspirator which removes the pregnancy tissue safely and effectively. The suction D&C procedure may take 2 to 15 minutes to perform which includes the administration of anesthesia. This method is used from 3 to 16 weeks gestation. Priming of the cervix (softening and opening) using Laminaria or Misoprostol (Cytotec) helps to reduce the chance of complications such as cervical tears or lacerations, uterine perforations, retained pregnancy tissue, uterine infection, damage to internal organs, heavy vaginal bleeding and clots, abdominal and lower back pains and possible maternal death. After the procedure is performed, patients are taken to the recovery room where they remain from 10 minutes to an hour. This time is used to evaluate the patient's vital signs and monitor her bleeding and recovery from anesthesia. The newer advanced anesthesia medications allow patients to drive themselves to and from the office providing for the ultimate in privacy and confidentiality. Traditional IV sedation medications are as effective in reducing pain and anxiety as the new advanced medications, but patients are not able to drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 to 48 hours. Additionally, weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness and nausea can linger for 24 hours or longer. This does not occur with the new advanced narcotic medications. Advanced surgical procedures and medications now allow for many patients to be able to return to work and engage in intimate contact the following day if approved by the physician. Non-Surgical Abortion Procedure: This method is also called the medical abortion or abortion pill procedure. It is a non-invasive method and can be performed from 3 to 24 weeks and beyond. Patients between 3 to 14 weeks are able to have the Non-Surgical Abortion Procedure performed on an outpatient basis. It is a procedure that uses abortifacient medications such as Mifepristone, Misoprostol and or Methotrexate. The combination of these medications stops the growth of the pregnancy and causes the uterus to contract and expel the fetus and placenta. Sexual activities can be resumed in 24 to 48 hours. Many women prefer this method because it allows for the utmost in privacy. The woman is in control of her abortion procedure and she is able to receive support from her husband, friend, family member, or significant other if she chooses. The non-surgical abortion procedure does not require sedation or surgery which can be very frightening to some women. Non Surgical Abortion is not recommended for women who take chronic steroids; who have an allergy to any of the medications; renal or hepatic disease; IUD in the uterus; recent Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID); current pelvic infection (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea); undiagnosed bleeding; and possible or diagnosed ectopic pregnancy. Side effects that may be experienced after the medical abortion procedure include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy bleeding which may require a blood transfusion, blood clots and significant cramping, uterine infection, failed abortion, retained pregnancy tissue, sepsis (bacteria in the blood) and maternal death which is very rare. You can try this Medical vs. Surgical Abortion article to learn more.
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