A brief description of the flow of human resources operations through the department might help to illustrate HR's key responsibilities and how they interact with the rest of the organization. It must be emphasized here that the HR functions and responsibilities set out below, although intended to describe duties performed in companies having the luxury of their own HR depart¬ments, are nonetheless applicable and important in any size company. Whether the HR responsibility rests with the company owner, the office manager, administrative assistant, accounting clerk, or others (as is usually the case in small HR environments), the HR respon¬sibility is often an extra hat that people need to wear, but they must still be aware of current HR methodology and regulations. Employment The human resources employment staff begins its work by designing and developing policies, procedures, and programs to recruit the most able and qualified applicants available for the job openings the com¬pany is attempting to fill. It then begins the actual recruiting process by employing a wide variety of sources including the Internet, media advertising, private employment agencies, state employment services, schools, churches, local civic organizations, and chambers of commerce, and by using whatever sources are available in order to find and attract the most qualified individuals for the company. Once sufficient applicants are found, employment then begins the task of screening, interviewing, and testing candidates (including coordination of pre-employment drug testing programs, where applicable), and referring the best of these to appropriate line or staff managers for further interviewing prior to the final hiring decision being made. In some organizations, the human resources department also makes the hiring decision and sends the applicant to work in the department where the job opening exists. This is especially true when production or assembly line job openings are being filled. In most cases, however, managers and supervisors usually prefer to personally select the employees who will be working in their departments. Whatever procedure applies to or works best for your company should be the preferred method. Having found the most capable people available to fill your job openings, you must now be in a position to offer them a salary or wage commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the position, and one that is generally competitive with comparable job openings at other companies in the local area. If the successful applicant accepts employees. As we progress through this book, we will discuss the ways and means corporate managers have at their disposal to convince their employees that they are indeed appreciated, and that they are the most valuable line item on any profit and loss statement or on any company balance sheet. The truly effective, proactive, and functional human resources department can be the key that unlocks the doors of apathy, unconcern, or, in some cases, outright hostility toward employees that some chief executives and boards of directors seem to feel toward the people who work for them. The personnel staff must first understand and believe in its own mission and role of emphasizing the value of people. Then it must aggressively act as a catalyst in making the necessary changes in corporate attitude toward people. Pursuing this theme, we will explore in the following chapter what makes a good human resources department work and how it can be structured to operate with maxi¬mum effectiveness through people recognition. Classof1.com offers Human Resource Management Assignment Help
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