You can find cooking Ranges in practically every town and city in RuneScape big or small. Some of the Ranges however are not in the best places that are close to a bank, a monster respawn area or Fishing spots, that would enable you to cook your food efficiently. Free to Play players don't have access to a large array of cooking ranges that are conveniently located, but there are still a fair amount of ranges out there. One of the more convenient Cooking ranges would be the range in the Lumbridge castle kitchen. This range is only usable with the completion of Cook's Assistant, and you will burn less food using this range. For those who are Members, you are in luck as you have access to a larger selection of conveniently located cooking ranges in RuneScape. There are multiple cooking ranges in RuneScape that fit into the category mentioned above, though I will only break down a few of them. With the start and completion of the beginning parts of Recipe for Disaster, players will have access to a bank chest in the Lumbridge castle basement. The trapdoor to the basement is inside of the Lumbridge castle kitchen which inside of the kitchen is a cooking range. The distance between the bank chest and the range is only a few steps and and a few seconds running, making the Lumbridge castle kitchen an excellent spot to train Cooking. In the medium sized town of Catherby there are multiple fishing spots on the shoreline as well as a bank and a cooking range. The cooking range is just a few houses over to the right of the bank, making for a great place to cook your foods. With the Fishing spots here, you can also train both Fishing and Cooking at the same time by fishing your fish, and then cooking it on the range. Fires can be made everywhere in RuneScape that is not inside of a building using the Firemaking skill. These player made fires can be used to cook your prepared foods as well as Fish and Meats in the same amount of speed as a cooking range. One good thing about using fires to cook your food is that you can light one practically anywhere granted you have a tinderbox and some logs. However, a downside of using fires for cooking is that they do extinguish after a certain amount of time based on the log burned. One exception to this is the eternal fires that are scattered scarcely around RuneScape, which like the name implies, never extinguish. Unfortunately there is only one eternal fire in a free to play world, which is in the Grand hall of the Barbarian village. With this fire being fairly out of the way for a bank, you will have to light your own fires for your cooking purposes. The most ideal locations to create your own fires and cook your own food would be at the Grand Exchange in Varrock, outside of Falador West bank, outside of the Draynor village bank and outside of the Edgeville bank. Of course you can create a fire anywhere outside of a bank, but the locations listed have a large amount of free open space outside of the banks. There are many locations throughout RuneScape in a Member's world that are great for creating fires and cooking your food. The best locations however would be the Grand Exchange, outside of both Catherby and Seers' Village bank, and outside of the Canifis bank. There are a few eternal fires in Member's worlds with one being in Tirannwn and the other one being in the ever popular Rogues' Den. The eternal fire in Tirannwn is very far from a bank and is not a good location at all for training Cooking. The Rogue's Den on the other hand is a different story. Inside of the Rogue's Den is an eternal fire and right next to the fire is Emerald Benedict, a banker. With having a bank right beside the fire, you can withdraw your raw or uncooked food items, cook them on the fire and then deposit your cooked food back into the bank, with sometimes not even having to move your character a square. The Rogue's Den is a great place to cook your food when cooking in bulk and a large amount. The article is from, which you can buy rs gold ,if you want to learn more information about cheap runescape gold, please enter
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