Ruidoso, NM -- The News Trader, the leading day trading software program, has announced their 10 year anniversary in December. Remarkably, their automated software has been picking stocks in the US equities market for that entire period without a single losing month. The software continuously scans the news for events that could trigger a quick change in the price of the stock. The stock is displayed in the software for the subscriber to place their order with their own broker. Built in stops limit the loses to just 3% on any single stock. Nearly a thousand subscribers have used their software over the past 10 years. While there is no guarantee of future profits, and they are not stock advisors, the underlying theory of news driven stocks has been around for years and is expected to be a valuable trading approach for years to come. Three versions of the software are now offered. The original version which displays the stock and suggested entry and exit prices. The Premium version which does the same, but also emails that same data which is displayed in the Original version. Finally, the low priced Headline Scanner version which just displays the stocks and related news story that triggered the alert. Their 10-year streak of never having a losing month goes to show that the strategy has a proven track record. To learn more about The News Trader software, go to their website found at: About The News Trader The News Trader is a software company that focuses on automated day trading software. Contact us at We are located in Ruidoso, NM.
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