When everything in the world is getting an online platform to be presented before the public, it is not a distant possibility for newspapers to be read online. People will now be able to read their daily news in their laptops or desktops or even their smart phones, whenever and wherever they wish. Such changes in the way people are able to go through their daily shot of national and international news gets changed because of the presence and innovation of newspaper publishing software. These are basically the means to start online newspaper, to be released through portals, which can be opened by people through their computers. The thing which is amazing about such newspaper website is that they are regularly updated and the recent news is fitted in the specific slot, without having to write the entire thing in computer language. Newspaper CMS or content management system is a software or rather magazine template, which can be utilised by the publishers for newspaper hosting. Some of the features in such online newspaper templates, which makes them so much sought after are: 1.There are practically no constraints to the number of items and news articles or photos which can be uploaded in these templates. They are being structured and designed in such a way that downloading them is extremely easy and as many pages in the newspapers as required, can be put for the readers. 2.The editor through which the newspaper software works is not required to be coded in the HTML language or any other programming languages. Publishers can use quite simple and latest formatting tools present in the templates themselves. 3.In order to operate the newspaper CMS, technical skills are not required, indicating that such any rookie can start online newspaper and become a part of the society and contribute significantly. User interface of such software is quite easy to be used and management can be done by anyone, although the factor of interest in managing such sites is essential. 4.Small tactics can be applied to subscribe the articles which can be viewed by paid and free members. Revenues can be brought in by flexible ad spots, where users can submit classifieds online. Using Google analytics, traffic to the site can be monitored. Classifieds in the form of obituaries and announcements can be immediately put in spaces which are designated for these kinds of packages. 5.Library archive can be created by the use of templates in the website builder for newspaper website. Newspaper and magazine software can have a huge popularity with the help of RSS feeds. Using tags in different forms can be beneficial for the online newspaper, which can be incorporated by means of these templates, so that the newspaper website becomes search engine friendly, which can be a great means of advertising the paper. 6.Even photographs and videos can be integrated with the newspaper website, using newspaper publishing software. Youtube can be embedded or other similar video sites can be incorporated into these portals, to increase the attractiveness of the online newspaper. There are plenty of facilities which can be presented in front of the online newspaper publishers due to the presence of online newspaper software. Simply downloading the online newspaper templates and getting the news items ready will let enthusiasts start online newspaper, which can be a great way to help in the knowledge disbursement, though an innovative approach.
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