In the earlier times during the days of older generations, paper retail bags were extensively used. However, later on, plastic bags were put into use by grocery stores and all other industries too. Plastic bags are more popular these days because they are easy to carry, light and available at reasonable prices. However, plastic bags are causing immense harm to nature. This has made it the need of the hour to avoid using plastic bags and instead go for paper retail bags. The main advantages of doing so are listed below. Paper retail bags are prepared from natural materials. This implies that even if they are discarded in a landfill, they will degrade to their original elements. Plastic on the other hand will tend to accumulate in nature, thus polluting our environment. It is definitely possible to recycle used plastic, but money is a huge constraint in most of the cases. It is very true that paper retail bags are prepared by cutting down trees; but it is also true that trees are renewable resources. Plastic, on the other hand makes use of different oils and fossil fuels which are not renewable. Therefore, paper retail bags should be preferred to plastic bags. The most important advantage of paper retail bags is that a single unit can help you carry a lot more than its plastic counterpart. Also, paper retail bags allow you to carry more stuff and hence you need to use only a few of them. This helps you reduce litter to a great amount. Customerswill also surely appreciate if you take a stand and start using paper retail bags. This type of consideration for the environment will go a long way in fetching more customers and having more loyal ones. It is a practical and rational approach. More information at :->
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