Can someone other than the owner, use the credit card? If someone has a credit card, it is usually not possible that someone else carries out transactions with this card because the card is personal and can only be used by the credit card holder. If you live in a partnership, the partner can apply for an additional partner card, so that the other person automatically receives the same account. However, there is an exception to almost everything. The only exception, where another person may use the card, is the special case of a disease that does not allow the cardholder to do money transactions. For this particular case, the mandate holders of the credit card is a trusted person. He can withdraw from the account as much money the cardholder requires at the time of the disease. Therefore, the cardholder must, however, have a special power of attorney that has completed and proven that he actually is not in a position to even come to his bank. A copy of the certificate of admission to the hospital is sufficient for this condition. In addition, however the agent still is legitimate. Why it pays to have an additional card? Most banks like it if the partner or spouse also has a credit card. If the card is lost, the cost of the card is collected. Then the financial institution, for the second card, can also charge a fee. Moreover, if still applicable, each outstanding credit card business has a small fee. It is the financial institution that brings an additional source of income. But since there are also financial institutions that require no fee for the card, it can be very helpful in some situations. For example, if the actual card holder's secret PIN happens to be forgotten, and the partner knows the secret number of their card, the partner can pay instead of the actual buyer of the goods. However, some financial institutions have additional card for your partner which can be a little bit cheaper, which makes the acquisition of credit card additionally appealing. In addition, the threshold of acquiring an additional card is significantly less if the first card holder learns that the daughter card is getting a lot cheaper. If it is within the family, several additional credit cards, is nothing special. The monthly credit card can still be listed individually. What should I do if the credit card is lost or stolen? If the owner noticed that the credit card is no longer in his possession, it must be the owner the one who will immediately contact his bank related to this credit card so that it can be blocked. If it was used, in the meantime, for a transaction, the cardholder is liable for it. If he has not yet made any transaction and the card was blocked immediately, then the holder of the credit card is only required for a special handling fee of fifty euro, which is deducted immediately from the account. The owner must notify that the credit card was lost as quickly as possible to be bank so the card will be blocked quickly. The credit card holder has to go to the nearest police station to report the incident to get help in searching for the culprit. The financial institution requires a special fee for issuing a new credit card.
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