When you look at a few official facts and figures about farming in the United Kingdom it is remarkable how ignorant the vast majority of the population is about just some basic farming methods and production. Farmers and their workers combine to create a figure of almost exactly half a million people which is an amazingly small number when you then read that over seventy-five per cent of the land area of Britain is maintained by farmers! Many small farms offer working holidays for parents with their young kids and it is only a shame that more town and city dwellers do not take advantage of this. Instead of the hassle of the airport and the two weeks forcing kids to eat pasta or pizza it might be far better and certainly more fun as well as highly informative for them to discover what farming is all about. There are millions of children who drink milk, eat cheese and eat a burger and salad who have absolutely no idea where this all comes from. Once a city child has been on a farm holiday they never forget it for the rest of their lives. It also adds interest to long boring car journeys when the child can distinguish between a Friesen cow and a Hereford! Once the farm holiday is over there are certain toys that can keep the interest and maintain the growing knowledge about the industry by building a miniature farm in the child’s bedroom with perfectly produced scaled down farm machinery from Siku toys. For any child with a lively imagination building up a collection of farmyard machinery in miniature form provides hours of fun. These toys are truly amazing with exact scale of 1:87, 1:50 and 1:32 they can be matched with same scale railways and before you know it Dad will have taken over. It sounds old fashioned but it really is a shame that young children have a far bigger imagination than adults who quickly lose that gift through mind-numbing fact filling school work, and yet so often they stare at the television screen instead of using their imagination with working parts toys. Somehow it seems almost wrong to use the word toy in conjunction with these replicas and it surely is not just kids who desire these objects. Many big manufacturing corporations making real earthmovers, fork-lift trucks and other similar mechanical machinery have scaled models made and although intended for factory visitors and so on, many a CEO has one or two of them on his desk top to play with. Despite living in a world where we are told it is sexist to make comparisons it is a fact that boys never lose their fascination with trucks! In these factories where real life trucks, diggers and forklifts are made, whenever a scaled down model is left on the coffee desk in reception you can absolutely bet that a visiting male representative will play with it when nobody is looking. If you have a child who is not interested then never mind; just order it for him anyway and when he shows no interest in it you can take it to the office where you can roll it up and down the desk to relieve any stress! For the full fantastic range of Siku toys tractors see http://www.elitetoysandmodels.co.uk/
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