Getting to know about one’s country is a privilege, which people need to achieve to the best possible extent. It might feel a bit prejudiced to say this, but it is something that has gone into the backseat in the fast moving pace of day-to-day life. So many glorious achievements have been mastered in India, in the past as well as in the present, and much more is poised to happen, that people need to be conversant with Indian news. Coming to the people of India is a chance to know the glorious past, tradition and heritage as well as all the current happenings, and this is through a few resources, which committed people have tried to present in the best possible form. • Newspapers and print media has always been in the forefront of capturing the essence of India and being Indian, in form of Indian Arts, Indian crafts and all that is related to Indian culture. Without the mention of an incidence from history, no journals are complete. It is with the quote from history that an article starts. Legends from India’s independence movement and civilisation are regularly projected as points of inspiration for people. In every newspaper and journal, there is description of how Indian crafts are being upheld by thousands of craftsmen and women, who have endeavoured to bring out the best with their creations. • Indian industries are major builders of India’s economy, which have strengthened the country in various senses. Presence of some of Indian conglomerates, in the world’s richest persons’ list, is a proof that these Indians have helped in the growth of the economy and glorify the best in the Indian industry. It is but a moment of pride for the entire country, when Forbes magazine comes out with its list of 500 richest people in the world, where some Indians are present. This is nothing but a proof of the best of Indian industries, making their presence felt in world economy. • Another factor of Indian culture, which has brought glory to the country, is in the form of Religions of India. People from many religions and sects practise their beliefs with freedom. They go to religious places and commemorate their faith in their personal gods and idols. Pilgrimage places in India have given a boost to the secular nature of the country, which witness ocean of human beings, going about working towards freely practising their faith. • Travelling India is another form of studying the glorious Indian culture. It is not without reason that thousands of tourists from foreign lands and millions of Indian go from one place to another in the country. In each of the tourist places, there is some historical and geographical wonder, which contributes towards making India as a prominent country in the world map. Plenty of resources are present in India, which give a clear cut representation of all that is best in the country. It requires an eye for Indian culture to understand these resources and for which, people are travelling India, in search of all those things which are simply artistic glorification of everything that is Indian.
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