Thousands of retailers and new business startups look forward to holidays, important events and occasions to achieve a significant rise in their sales. As a matter of fact, a huge chunk of the total yearly sales online is generated during these few months of the Christmas/Holiday season, especially in the UK and US. This is owing to the fact that Christmas and the holiday season brings with it a period of shopping when people like to celebrate with the exchange of gifts, which may comprise an endless array of the most desirable new or existing products. Consequently, the holiday season becomes the most important period for most e-commerce websites, and also defines many of the new e-commerce start-ups. In order to make the most out of this peak season, retailers keep testing new ideas and strategies and also strive to understand the demand and sales patterns for various products they can / intend to sell. Many of them follow a random approach to arrive at this information, which may prove to be potentially worthless for lack of real facts and statistics. It is here that a structured approach is called for, not only to come up with the precise reports and data for the current/preceding year, but also to generate the year-over-year comparisons. Trends change from year to year, and what may have worked few years back may not necessarily work in the current year. A detailed visual representation of the demand trends helps retailers to gain insights on how the market behaves online. eSources Market Research Wizard is one such invaluable tool offered by, the largest UK online trade directory service, which helps to predict correctly the demand trend for a particular product and thus its online marketability. Bringing a structured analysis at the retailer’s disposal, this tool helps him understand: 1. When and how to sell on online marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon 2. Price each item logically 3. Find the best keywords to target on search engines 4. Pick the best listing strategy for eBay, Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing Along with finding the most reliable product sourcing options at eSources , retailers can also greatly benefit from this market research tool to understand the best ways of positioning their products. In this era of hypercompetition, every business needs to define that edge for itself in order to sustain and experience a consistency in growth. Especially in a holiday season business, where the earning potential can be incredibly high, exploiting all possible mediums to evaluate the market, followed by searching for novel ways to attract shoppers and boost conversions can help a business to consolidate its market position, while also creating benchmarks for others to follow. With a comprehensive tool like the Market Research Wizard from eSources, online retailers in UK as well as across the world, can easily determine what would get their customers to convert during the ‘golden quarter’, and how should they be sweetening the deals to achieve maximum returns ! !
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