Credit cards are something that many people start using when they are in college. The reason for this is that a lot of the credit companies target people of this age because they know that they can make money off of them. Many people think that debt card companies are out there just to provide them with a service, but you can't lose sight of the fact they are a business and they know that through students there will always be business, and therefore they'll continue to offer cards through students. Use The College Years To Set A Precedent Many students get this plastic money and they think that it is a license to go crazy, to buy the things that they want and need without worrying about how they will afford it. This is a very common mistake and college students of all ages make these mistakes. It can be hard to avoid the temptation to buy a whole new wardrobe or those awesome concert tickets, but this is not what this credit is for or how it should be used. You should set a precedent when you are in college. When you do this you will find that you will actually have more credit at the end of your college years then when you started. It will be after college when you find that you may actually need to rely on credit more than ever, so it's important to build your credit up during this time. You never know what your needs may be down the road, so creating a system of responsible use of credit in college is something that you cannot ignore. Improper use of your debt cards will follow you throughout life, so make smart choices from the start! This is not to say that you shouldn't have debt cards when you are in college. Actually, you may need them for some things such as tuition, books, and school supplies. You may also need to rely on cards for things such as gas and necessary clothing and personal items. The rule of thumb that you should always follow is that you should only buy the things that you know you are going to be able to pay off on time. If you know that you will not have a chance of paying off the debt than you shouldn't make the purchase. When you set this precedent early on you'll accumulate a lot less debt through school and you will also get out of school with a credit rating that you will be able to rely on later. While it may be hard to ignore all of the temptations to spend money that you don't have, you need to try. The way you use your cards during college is an indication of the way that you will handle your plastic money throughout life. Get a couple cards, but use them wisely. If you find that the temptation is too much, get rid of the cards if you absolutely don't need them! So students what are you waiting for? Just go ahead and build your creditworth getting credit cards which have a lot to offer like balance transfer credit cards and 0% credit card.
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