With emerging mobile trends and mobile software development companies, we wanted to analyze whether or not mobile presence is pervasive. For drawing a pertinent conclusion, we examined the visitors of our website. We observed that, in the year 2010, less than three percent of our website visitors owned mobile devices. The figure rised to six percent by 2011, and now in 2012, it is almost 16 percent, which clearly means the users are not only moving mobile, but they are moving rapidly. People moved mobile for various reasons; one of them being convenience of accessing the websites from wherever they are. F urther, mobile application development industry in India and abroad is encouraging the growth of mobile devices by launching a plethora of apps to perform everything beyond their imagination. Nearly 500 million smartphones and tablets were sold around the world in 2011. The fast-mounting sale for smartphone devices is a proof of people’s magnetism towards mobile devices. Does this mean people are soon to perform every activity from their mobile devices? Yes. However, the question that you need to ask is this: are you mobile-ready? In this article, we shall consider some steps being taken by big entrepreneurs in the market to become mobile-ready. Google is mobile-ready. Google’s core internet advertising business will be soon fully dependent on mobile advertisements. Its recent reports show decline in the online advertising shares; however, according to the analysts, Google’s mobile advertising revenue points will be better ahead than the online ads. This clearly depicts that Internet giant Google is also turning mobile for flourishing business. In fact, Google’s Chief Executive, Larry Page, said that it is now generating revenue of $8 billion at an annualized run rate, which is up from 2.5 billion last year, from Google’s mobile business including app sales and advertising. Facebook is mobile-ready. Facebook, the top social networking site, recently improved its mobile presence. It has observed more hits to the website through mobile devices than the PCs. According to Facebook’s Vice President of Corporate Development, Vaughan Smith, Facebook’s mobile presence has enabled it to grow massively. Facebook on the mobile device is the key reason for people in the emerging markets to add data plans on mobile. Operators have invested tens of billions of dollars for 3G network, while most of the users want to get on the internet for Facebook. Microsoft has folded its sleeves. Microsoft Corporation is also testing new techniques to refashion its software for mobile compatibility. Microsoft is incorporating touch commands and applications that consumers have embraced till date. Microsoft is also releasing a second version of Windows that run on power-saving chip; again, this technology has evolved from mobile phones. Microsoft is also emulating Apple and Google for creating a user-friendly mobile presence. Just like many of the top brands want to earn through the mobile presence, other entrepreneurs have also invested in building their mobile-based websites. Mobile application development companiesare occupied in creating alluring presence to give their clients enough focus in the competitive world. Are you still thinking?
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