If you are in an abusive relationship, you should not have to suffer through it longer than you already have. No matter what kind of abuse it is, it should not be tolerated. Defined as a pattern of abusive behavior – both verbal and non-verbal, by one partner against another in a relationship, domestic violence extends beyond physical harm into other arenas. Domestic violence can also include kidnaping, stalking, and more. There are certain steps you can take to getting out of the unhealthy relationship and getting your life back to how it was before things took a turn for the worst. Aside from hiring a Bergen County domestic violence attorney you will also need to do a number of other things as well. Let’s take a closer look. The first step to dealing with domestic violence is recognizing that it is happening. Some of the major signs of abuse in a relationship include the following: your partner calls you names and tries to put you down, they keep you from spending time with your family and friends and dictate who you are allowed to spend time with, keep you from going to work, school, or out in an attempt to control you, forces you to have sex or engage in sex acts that you do not want to do, justifies his/her violent behavior by blaming you for it, reacts badly to alcohol and drugs – becoming more violent in the process, threatening you with weapons or other forms of violence, not only hurts you but endangers your children or pets, gets jealous easily and possessive, exhibits paranoia about your fidelity, makes you believe that the violence is mutual or that you bring it on. Whether or not you have children, you should put an end to an abusive relationship by calling a Bergen County domestic violence attorney. But when children are involved, the risks are even greater. Whether you have been abused during pregnancy or after the baby is born, your child should not have to witness the violence, or be put in danger. Children who grow up in an abusive household are more likely to have behavioral dysfunction and a tendency to be abused in their future relationships. They are also more likely to become abusive themselves, since they have grown up in an environment of domestic violence, and assume that it is alright to do the same. For the sake of you, and your offspring, you need to get out of the unhealthy relationship as fast as possible. In order to break the cycle you need to take action. The longer you stay in a violent relationship, the worse off your mental and physical health will be. You may notice a lowered self-esteem, depression and anxiety coming on. The first step is to tell someone about the abuse whether it’s a friend or family member, doctor or colleague. You may find it too hard to talk about the abuse, but you will see that the relief and support that follows will be very reassuring. Next, you should call a shelter or domestic violence hotline and make sure to place the call when the abuser is not around. Pack an emergency bag and leave it in a safe place. Once you have safely left your home and found somewhere else to stay, contact a Bergen County domestic violence attorney to begin the divorce proceedings and rid yourself of the abuse once and for all.
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