Personalized magnets come in a variety of styles. There are picture frames to hold the portraits of loved ones and pets, ranging in size from a snapshot style several inches across to frames as small as a postage stamp. Magnets attached to wooden slats on which the names of family members are painted are quite popular. Sometimes the magnet is just a flat glass marble glued over a picture of something or someone, or a written word, which has significance to the person who owns the magnet. Other magnets are bulldog clips with children's names on them, so that classroom artwork can be hung and its tiny artist immediately identified by all who see it. When realtors are preparing homes for an open house to try to sell them, two of the most important elements they use to interest potential buyers are photographs on the walls and magnets on the refrigerator. Just as having family photographs around can make a house feel more inviting, so too can decorating with magnets make a house feel more like a home. Though they are often referred to and thought of as simply "refrigerator magnets," these keepsakes need not be restricted merely to the fridge and freezer. These little mementos can be used elsewhere in the kitchen, as well as in other rooms throughout the entire home. They don't even have to be very pretty to make a more welcoming environment, they just have to be special to the people using them. Dishwashers are a great place to use them, and not just for decorative purposes. A reversible magnet on which you've written "clean" on one end and "dirty" on the other is quite useful. Magnets with the names of everyone in the house who takes a turn doing dishes can be used to keep track of just who is next in line for that chore. Certainly moving magnets around is a lot more fun than arguing over which one of you did the chore last time. Personalized magnets can be used on the metal edges of medicine cabinets, too. Leaving a child a note on the mirror with his or her own magnet is a much more personal way to give them a reminder of something than a text or an email. Using magnets on electronics is not advisable, but placing a "World's Best" magnet, or a picture frame with a family photo in it, on your metal desk can certainly help brighten a home office. One of the best things about these personalized tokens is that they are a fun and easy craft for the family to do together. With a package of magnetic strips or sheets, some glue, a little paint and a few other small items, each person can make his or her own very special keepsake. Then each one can be displayed proudly in whatever fashion your family chooses. Something as simple as a bottle cap from a family vacation can be turned into a lasting treasure in just a few minutes. David Sheath is greatly experienced in the photo gifts industry. His website Make Your Own Gift Ideas offers more than 400 fully customizable products, including affordable customized magnets that can be easily personalized with your own photos, logos, designs and text.
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