.Net application development. This framework is really a cluster of several technologies. We will discuss the involved technologies as follows: Dot Net applications are developed using Microsoft Visual Studio. It supports multiple development languages in a single environment. Yes, Dot Net framework gives programming language choice to its developers. They can choose among Visual Basic, C#, F# and C++. Third-party developers have added support to hundreds of more languages. Visual Studio is an optional development tool. This tool offers a rich set of productivity and debugging features, and comes packed along with the Dot Net framework. Besides, it has a powerful engine that executes all .Net applications. It is called powerful because it has the ability to automatically provide services such as performing security checks, memory management and performance optimization. This engine is a vital part of the framework and is called as Common Language Runtime (CLR). It also possesses a class library, which is a collective and logical compilation of prebuilt functionality that developers can plug into the code. This saves enormous development time. Developers can simply snap in the pre-built code and get the function running. The application needs online hosting on completion of .Net application development activity. This hosting environment is provided by ASP.Net. Asp.Net is an engine that hosts the web application while supporting every feature of the class library. It renders secure authentication and data storage. Introduction to the Intermediate Language Before the code is executed, all the dot net languages are complied into another lower-language. This lower level language is called as Common Intermediate Language (CIL). The dot net engine, CLR, uses only the CIL code. This makes languages compatible to each other. They are so attuned that developers can interchange the components of two or more different languages. .Net application development is possible in multiple languages because of something called as Common Language Specification (CLS). CLS is a contract to make all the languages compatible with the framework, offering ease of use. Due to CLS, the components, arrays, strings, numbers, etc. are all shared across the languages. Although the system looks complicated, in a real sense, Microsoft Dot Net framework has the simplest architecture. The framework is capable of auto-filling the code, reducing the development time. Apart from this, .Net application development has been a preferred choice due to the following features: interoperability, security, robustness, user-friendliness and high performance. ">Dot Net framework evolved significantly since its inception. From being a simple framework that eased the Windows and Web application development to becoming a technology that caters to the needs of the enterprise bespoke application landscape, Dot Net continuously improved the developer’s productivity and user experience. The improvement of this framework has been along various dimensions such as the introduction of new features, performance upgrade, security control aspects and APIs. Basically, Microsoft Dot Net Framework can be used to develop, deploy and execute applications on a variety of platforms including thick, thin and distributed environment and mobile application platforms. Know the Framework Dot Net framework assists in .Net application development. This framework is really a cluster of several technologies. We will discuss the involved technologies as follows: Dot Net applications are developed using Microsoft Visual Studio. It supports multiple development languages in a single environment. Yes, Dot Net framework gives programming language choice to its developers. They can choose among Visual Basic, C#, F# and C++. Third-party developers have added support to hundreds of more languages. Visual Studio is an optional development tool. This tool offers a rich set of productivity and debugging features, and comes packed along with the Dot Net framework. Besides, it has a powerful engine that executes all .Net applications. It is called powerful because it has the ability to automatically provide services such as performing security checks, memory management and performance optimization. This engine is a vital part of the framework and is called as Common Language Runtime (CLR). It also possesses a class library, which is a collective and logical compilation of prebuilt functionality that developers can plug into the code. This saves enormous development time. Developers can simply snap in the pre-built code and get the function running. The application needs online hosting on completion of .Net application development activity. This hosting environment is provided by ASP.Net. Asp.Net is an engine that hosts the web application while supporting every feature of the class library. It renders secure authentication and data storage. Introduction to the Intermediate Language Before the code is executed, all the dot net languages are complied into another lower-language. This lower level language is called as Common Intermediate Language (CIL). The dot net engine, CLR, uses only the CIL code. This makes languages compatible to each other. They are so attuned that developers can interchange the components of two or more different languages. .Net application development is possible in multiple languages because of something called as Common Language Specification (CLS). CLS is a contract to make all the languages compatible with the framework, offering ease of use. Due to CLS, the components, arrays, strings, numbers, etc. are all shared across the languages. Although the system looks complicated, in a real sense, Microsoft Dot Net framework has the simplest architecture. The framework is capable of auto-filling the code, reducing the development time. Apart from this, .Net application development has been a preferred choice due to the following features: interoperability, security, robustness, user-friendliness and high performance.
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