The term Numerology has some relation with the numbers. It is a branch of science which aims to explore the unseen and hidden powers of numbers and their numerous effects on mankind. The effects can be positive or can be negative. The experts in this field can understand this by analyzing the numbers. Name number, psychic and destiny number are very important in this regard. Name number is the number which has some connection with the person’s name. We just have to tell our date of birth and our names to the expert. He will tell the exact name number by analyzing our names. A good name number of a person can bring fame and reputation whereas a bad name number can defame the person in some ways. Whether the person is a celebrity or not a bad name number always create bad effects on that person. May be he or she has gained reputation in the earlier life but for the reason of bad name number they will surely see the bad days in their lives. Then, the psychic number comes. These numbers play an important role in choosing desires, food, friendship, marriage and ambition. By knowing the psychic number one can tell you the influence of the planets on you. This number is very important and it will remain active almost entire of your life. It will also remain powerful till the age of 35 to 40 years of one’s life. We can get the psychic number by adding the date of birth of any person e.g. if a person born on 4th December, 1999, then his or psychic number would be 4 (0+4). Destiny number is the number which tells us the outline of challenges, opportunities and the lessons which we may encounter in our lives. We can get the destiny number by adding the month, date and year of birth e.g. if a person born on 5th march, 1994 then his or her destiny number would be 31 (03+05+1994). It has been seen that though a person’s psychic number and destiny number are very good then also he or she faces difficulties in lives. This happens because of name number or name numerology. It should be good to get the permanent happiness and success in the life. Nowadays, it has become very easy to get you name numerology, psychic number and destiny numbers as you have so many websites in the internet. You just have to search with the keywords and you get the details of your lucky numbers. You do not have to go to the astrologer or numerologist for this purpose as you can learn numerology with the help of these sites. Though, it is always wise and advisable to go the expert of this field to know the exact effect of this numbers on you. To calculate the exact name numerology the experts take number of ways. It includes Kabala method, Pythagoras and Chaldean Theory. Though, most of the experts prefer to calculate the name number by using Chaldean Theory. It is most difficult one to calculate the name number but it gives the utmost accuracy. So, we can enjoy the good fortune by knowing these numbers. About Author: As per the writer of the article, Sanan Maria, a Number Numerology expert, Lucky Numbers play an important role in a person’s life. However, these numbers are not same to everybody. Visit:
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