When you look at the catalogue of different types of kitchen craft available at a good stockist the list seems to go on and on. Everything from egg-cups to kitchen compost bins and thousands of other items makes you wonder how our ancestors managed. The fact is that if you discount the inclusion of electrical goods which were of course not around at the time, then a large Victorian kitchen probably had even more bits and pieces of gadgetry than we have today. There are a number of old large Victorian country houses in the hands of various Trusts today where special attention has been made to restore the kitchen to its past glorious state. Pieces of equipment have been discovered behind old chimneys and in old cupboards that have had experts of the period confused as to their use. We have been bought up with frozen foods, fast foods, E-preservatives, sell by date packaged foods and generally have no real understanding of how the food chain worked just a hundred years ago. Before the canals and the train and hundreds of years before trucks on the road, everything eaten in the UK was local. Most of us have dreamed of time travel and the what if scenario such as Leonardo da Vinci appearing today and his joy at taking a ride in a helicopter; a real life version of what he sketched five hundred years ago. In one of that time travel fantasies it is amusing to wonder what it would be like to bring back a few ordinary people off the streets from the same time as Leonardo and drop them in a giant food supermarket of today. Presumably about ninety per cent or more of all the produce would be unknown to them and as for frozen food as well as tinned foods and ready meals there would be no comprehension at all. Kitchen craft covers anything you might find in a kitchen and presumably this definition means the items to be included is expanding for the simple reason that kitchen-diners are now probably more popular than straight forward kitchens. Cooking and entertaining at home has become more popular than ever in recent years and there are a number of reasons for this. One reason is the cost of eating out during this difficult economic mess and another is the interest in cookery generated by celebrity chefs and non-stop television programs devoted to cooking. Another factor is the huge variety of global foods available in supermarkets and perhaps finally, modern spacious home kitchens are a great deal more fun to be in than the small little affairs of fifty years and less ago. A kitchen of the nineteen-thirties was the smallest room in which stood a cooker, a fridge for the well-off and an ironing board! Take a look at modern kitchens today and the difference is remarkable. Many in older houses have become the kitchen and dining room knocked into one to create a large comfortable spacious area where friends and chef can all mingle whilst watching the cooking. For all your kitchen craft please see http://www.smithsofloughton.com/
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