When the term "customized ornaments" is thought of, it is generally associated with the fond memories of grade school years and, therefore, with attempts to create something unique for parents or grandparents as a holiday gift. Well, maybe twenty years ago. The truth is that the holiday season has become, currently, more commercialized than ever with stores putting their displays of holiday decorations out for sale as early as July. Most people embrace the commercial side of the holiday season eagerly and happily, and even employ professional holiday designers in an effort to alleviate some of the work and burden out of their holiday season. However, there are those types of people who not only enjoy the hustle and bustle associated with that time of year, but also like their decorations to have a personalized feel to them. For these people, there are two basic types of customized ornaments that can be used during the holiday season; those that are homemade and those that are purchased. Each option provides consumers with a distinct step away from the mass produced ornaments and decorations that so many people fit into their holiday design scheme. They also have the added benefit of personalization that can be cherished for several generations. - Homemade Personalized Ornaments From personal experience, the most common element used in the construction of nearly all homemade ornaments are the clear glass balls available at most craft stores. These provide a base with which to start an ornament and can be manipulated in any way to change the tone of the ornament from one thing to the next very easily. For example, a mother could convert her child's Christmas Wish List from their own handwriting into calligraphy to place inside the ornament and then glitter the year's date on the outside of the glass. This method is not only easy to do, but extremely creative and also extremely inexpensive. On a separate wavelength, that same glass ball can be used with simple household items like floor wax, and glitter to create a rainbow of sparkling ornaments in which the glitter is all on the inside and, therefore, mess-free. - Purchased Personalized Ornaments From a corporate standpoint, during the holidays, most offices display their daily haul of holiday cards in their reception area for any walk-ins to view. While thoughtful and considerate, they do tend to create a clutter and each one contains the same message as the one on the counter next to it. For that reason, what does the company that desires to stand out from the crowd send to their clients rather than the same type of card? Simple. They personalize an ornament with their logo and send these to their clients instead. The same can be done in regard to the standard holiday family portraits. Rather than purchasing prints, several companies now offer a more modern option in which customers can have their photo baked onto a ceramic tile or laser printed into a crystal. On behalf of a season when love, joy and celebration are the primary focus, a personalized gift or decoration can be the change from the ordinary that preserves wonderful memories between family, friends and colleagues for years to come. David Sheath is greatly experienced in the photo gifts industry. His website Make Your Own Gift Ideas offers more than 400 fully customizable products, including affordable DIY ornaments that can be easily personalized with your own photos, logos, designs and text.
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