There are some simple tips through which you can get Alexa traffic. Let us study these simple tips that help in boosting Alexa page ranking: 1) By doing installation of Alexa toolbar to your web browser you can enhance Alexa ranking. If you set Alexa as your home page then your Alexa ranking will be enhanced. For this purpose you need to click on Alexa toolbar. 2) You should encourage other people to use Alexa toolbar. Just request them to surf or click your website. It will be really nice if you receive clicks on your website from people who use Alexa toolbar. 3) Request your friends and web masters to view and give rating to your profile of Alexa ranking. This tip will also help you to get Alexa traffic. 4) Write and post a blog on Alexa. This blog should contain tips for improving ones website ranking on Alexa search engine. Other bloggers and webmasters will read such a blog post with interest because they are keen to improve their Alexa ranking. You can get more traffic from those targeted users who have already done installation of Alexa tool bar. 5) Place a widget of Alexa tools on your blog or website. By doing this tip you will receive nice number of clicks every day. Every click on your website or blog will counted as a visit even if the visitor is not using tool bar of Alexa. 6) If you have installed Alexa toolbar on all computers that are working in a company then you can set Alexa as your homepage for all kinds of internet browsers. This tip will work only if you use dynamic IP addresses. 7) If you are really keen to pump up your website’s Alexa ranking then use my space. You can use attractive banners and pictures. You can link your pictures with Alexa widget. 8) You should share your website URL at forums of webmasters. By doing so you can make webmasters to install Alexa toolbar. When these webmasters will click on your website you will get Alexa traffic. 9) Most web users of East Asia use Alexa toolbar. For this reason you should reach these users through Asian social networking sites and web forums. 10) You should take interest in pay per click operations. You should buy advertisement on search engines like Google and Yahoo. This tip will help you to get Alexa traffic. This tip will be more beneficial if the ads are concerned with webmasters. 11) If your website is totally brand new with a poor Alexa ranking then you should opt to go with Auto Surf sites. This will certainly assist you to enhance the ranking of your website. However you should not use auto surf sites if your website is displaying ads related to Google adsense.
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