Most people are aware of the need to safely store prescription medications, though these same people are not always aware that alternative health remedies need to also be stored in a particular way. The safe storage of medications - whether of a conventional or alternative variety - is one of the most important parts of being responsible for your own health and well-being. Safe Storage Ensures Effectiveness Because the effectiveness of medication can drastically change depending on the way the medication is stored, you want to be very careful. Your medication could lose its effectiveness if not stored in the correct manner. Further, even the most common garden herb can have unexpected side effects if taken in an inappropriate manner. For your own well-being and for the well-being of others, it's important to learn the right way to store and care for your alternative health remedies. The Common Types of Alternative Health Remedies As you explore the types of alternative medicine that can address your various health concerns, you might notice that many of the treatments are given to you at the location the practitioner operates from. For example, if you have an appointment with a massage therapist, you would go to their clinic for the therapy itself; you might be given some exercises to do at home and you can schedule a follow-up visit. An appointment with an acupuncturist would be similar. You would go to the clinic, have the procedure done, then leave with instructions on after care and follow-up treatment. There aren't always many items that you need to take home with you after a visit to an alternative practitioner. Many of the "remedies" you'll be given are advice about diet, exercise, a physical therapy routine, and similar information. Only if you go to an herbalist or practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine are you likely to have any remedies that you need to take at home over a period of time. Safe Care and Use of Alternative Remedies The person best able to advise you about the correct use and storage of your alternative health remedies are the practitioners who gave them to you. Herbalists practicing in a European or Chinese modality will typically counsel their patients on the right way to use the remedies. Like conventional medications, some should be taken at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, on an empty stomach, or after eating a meal. However, in contrast with conventional medications, herbal remedies may be taken multiple times throughout the course of a day. Instead of one dose every morning you might need a dose at the beginning of each meal. Make sure you store your herbal remedies and other treatment materials in a safe place. Herbs can lose their potency when exposed to direct sunlight or extreme heat, so it is best to store them somewhere without directly light or rapid temperature changes. Precautions Just like conventional medications, only the person to whom the herbal remedies have been given should take them. Don't share your remedies with any other member of your family. Though medicinal herbs have a number of beneficial qualities, not everyone has a positive reaction to them. The remedies and therapies suggested by your alternative health practitioners have the ability to help you live a better, healthier life. To make sure you get the most out of these remedies, follow the use and care directions given to you by your practitioner. Lawrence Reaves writes for Solstice Medicine Company a traditional chinese medicine retailer who offers a variety of products ranging from allergy relief to cold and flue medicine. For more information on these prodcuts and otheres visit their website here.
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