Is ELearning effective? You better believe it! There is a reason that eLearning has grown and become so popular among schools, colleges, students, employees, and employers and that is because it supports all of their goals by producing effective results. Schools, colleges, businesses and students all have a common goal, and that is to watch the bottom line while providing or gaining the necessary education. ELearning is effective by providing savings through the reduction in travel, material and personnel expense while improving performance. • When designing a course using an lms software, it is costly and time consuming, but each time that course is used, the return on investment improves as you would divide the cost to design the course by the number of users. • ELearning courses do not require written material or office supplies, as documents are electronically downloaded and uploaded between instructors and students and tests are given using online templates, thus cutting material expenses, along with helping the environment by going paperless. Also, don’t forget the electricity saved from not having the classroom environment and the fuel savings that also reduce costs and help our environment! • ELearning is effective for non-traditional students and employees, as eLearning allows the learner to access the material during their available time rather it be 1:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m., thus giving access to those who would normally not be able to further their education which improves their performance. Most eLearning courses also allow learners to access the course material after the course is over, which helps serve as a refresher if needed. • An lms software effectively keeps educational and training material consistent across the board. Employers will be able to ensure that each of their employees are effectively trained and have been provided the standard training material, thus avoiding situations where employees state that they did not know their responsibilities as an employee. Schools and colleges use a variety of instructors to facilitate their online courses and developed eLearning material provides them a guide to facilitate the course in a consistent manner, thus ensuring students receive standardized education. • ELearning opportunities provided by employers help improve employee job satisfaction and organizational turn-over rates, thus improving employee performance and knowledge sharing, along with reducing the organization’s expense from hiring and training new employees.
When eLearning courses are designed and conducted in the appropriate manner, they will provide effective results for everyone involved, along with the added bonus of being beneficial for our environment.
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