You'll have to fulfill a few Maine electrical certificate prerequisites to become a journeyman electrician there: 1. Complete not less than 4 yrs (8,000 hours) of working experience as an electrician apprentice or helper 2. Go through a five hundred and seventy six hour long electrician course that is accredited by the Electricians' Examing Board (EEB) 3. Complete and submit the Individual Examination Application 4. Take and score a passing mark in the ME electrician permit examination Your electrical course has to involve two hundred and twenty five hours of mandatory classes, among them an authorized program of at least fourty five hours reviewing the most current National Electrical Code (NEC) version. It should also include 351 hours of optional classes which involves either three hundred and fifty one hrs of electrical-related electives or 225 hrs of vocational-relatedand one hundred and thirty five hrs of degree-based classes. If you have got armed forces training and experience as an electrician, you ought to speak to the Board Administrator from the EEB to be able to be certain that you get appropriate credit for your training in the armed forces. Doing The ME Electrical License Examination Before you are granted permission to do the ME electrical certificate exam, you'll be required to hand in an Individual Examination Application substantiating your time on the job to the EEB. The administration cost is twenty five dollars and must be included with the application form either by way of credit card of check payment for it to be considered. In your application, you are going to be required to document the electrician training and coursework that you have completed, in addition to details of your previous employment and the total hrs you have worked in each company. These records will be reviewed to determine if you fulfill the on-the-job experience and training prerequisites to undergo the assessment and be registered as a licensed electrician. Once your application has been evaluated and authorized, you are going to obtain permission to book your exam from the Electricians' Examining Board (EEB). You must then get in touch with Prometric, the testing provider, to plan your examination and pay the exam payment of 75 dollars. The test is open book and is in line with the 2008 edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC). It consists of 80 questions and is 4 hours in duration, and you must achieve a mark of 70% to pass. When you ace the assessment, the EEB will send you a certification application. You're going to be required to fill out that application form and send it back to them with the certification cost to acquire your certificate. Keep yourself informed of the latest electrical license requirements in your state, including the most recent Massachusetts electrician license requirements, at It's the ultimate resource for electrician apprenticeship and licensing info online.
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