When couples with young children divorce, it is almost impossible for them, their attorneys or the courts to foresee any and all circumstances that could arise with regard to child custody issues and arrangements. Whether the parents mutually agree upon living arrangements for the children or if the details are decided upon in an Austin courtroom based on what is in the best interest of the children, no court order regarding child custody in Austin is permanently set in stone if circumstances should require it to be modified. Usually some form of joint legal custody is ordered in which the child or children primarily reside with one parent and the other parent has scheduled times of visitation. Often in these situations, both parents have a say so in making major decisions regarding education and health of the child. If, however, one parent were to move to another state, the child custody order would need to be modified. In such a case, the parents can ask the court to approve a new agreement that the parents have crafted, sometimes with the help of an attorney or, if they cannot mutually agree on a new custody agreement, an Austin judge can modify the existing order if it is in the child’s best interest. Obviously, the best situation when it comes to child custody is for the parents to be able to put aside whatever differences exist between them in order to do what is best for the child involved. However, despite the best intentions of one or both parents, it can be difficult for partners who are divorcing to move past the emotional upheaval they are experiencing and focus selflessly on the long-term custody issues facing them. Sometimes a family law attorney can help a client to look at things objectively and to consider what is best for the child in terms of custody arrangements. When that is not possible, the courts may intervene and make those decisions for the couple. The same standard applies when it comes to modifications that must be made. If one parent is failing to comply with the initial child custody agreement, the other parent can request that the Austin courts step in and modify the agreement such that the child’s best interests are protected. When you need to modify an existing child custody agreement in Austin and would like to decide upon the arrangements with your ex-spouse rather than letting an Austin court decide things for you, consult with a family law attorney in the area to ensure that your arrangements will be acceptable and in conformity with Texas Family Code. Child Custody Austin - Nunis & Associates provides a team of legal professionals who focus on the needs of each of our clients to help guide them through the complex legal system to achieve the clients’ goals. Whether handling family law cases such as child custody, civil litigation regarding breach of contract, consumer cases or fraud, Nunis & Associates can provide you with attorney in the Austin area who will offer aggressive, professional representation. Call us at 512.236.9696 or contact us via the web at www.nunislaw.com.
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