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Stress and emotions as a contributor to Acne by Mike Taylor

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Stress and emotions as a contributor to Acne by
Article Posted: 09/12/2012
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Stress and emotions as a contributor to Acne

Health,Research,Self Improvement

Stress and emotions are factors which are often difficult to prove as definite causes because they cannot be treated in a way so that they are applied or removed at will. Studies in 1939 indicate that endocrine changes influence the skin in acne vulgaris through the emotions. The reverse effect was shown in 1950 when psychotic men did not respond to a test of hot and cold stress with a rise in their 17-ketosteroid urinary excretion as did normal men. Clinicians in 1951 made the observation that androgens lay the fire for acne and emotions or other secondary factors light the fire. Studies indicate that psychosomatic relationship is unquestionably present in acne and that after the emotional conflicts are rationalized, the acne subsides.

A study of 30 patients in 1953 found a close relationship between life situations giving rise to a characteristic affective pattern and an increase in the acne pustule of these patients. Stressful interviews with acne patients were associated with increased sebum secretion when "anger" was elicited and with decreased sebum secretion when the patient responded with "remorse." It is subsequently thought that abrupt phasic alterations in activity of sebaceous glands may play an important part in comedo formation.

Almost any type of stress or strain placed on the body tends to alter the function of the adrenals. The regulation of secretion of adreno-corticotrophic hormone is of significant physiological and clinical importance. Augmented release of endogenous hormone is evident following any one of a wide variety of diverse and unrelated stimuli; they are trauma, emotional stress, drugs, chemical or bacterial toxic agents or substances normally present in the body, namely, insulin, thyroxine, vasopressin and epinephrine. The anatomical site of this mechanism appears to be the hypothalamus.

Experimental evidence suggests that this structure releases a humoral agent that reaches the adenohypophysis via the hypophyseal portal vessels. The nature of this agent is as yet unknown but its stimulation of the pituitary results in release of ACTH71. Studies have shown that it is the portal blood circulation entering the hypophysis which carries the humoral substance and not through nerve impulses. This was proved by section of the connecting nerve stock between the pituitary and the brain. With acute or severe stress ACTH secretion may be increased within a few seconds. However a lesion of certain centers of the hypophysis will prevent ACTH release following stress.

The hypothalamic centers involved are activated through the cerebral cortex by specific stresses or psychic reactions. The afferent impulses may arise in one of the organs of special sense or in the general sensory nerve endings. Many of the effects of sensory stimuli on gonadal responses are well known. For example, egg-laying of hens may be increased by prolonging the duration of exposure of the animal to light; red light being more effective than certain other colors.

At the time of adolescence the following stimulus cycle is found: central nervous system, anterior pituitary, gonads, genitalia and body tissues. The olfactory effects on gonadal stimulation are readily appreciated in the dog, bull and many other animals. The effect of psychogenic influences on the endocrines can be illustrated by the responses to marked fear; there is an increased elaboration of epinephrine which increases the function of the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal cortex and pancreas. Hypothalamic lesions have been known to be associated with decreased thyroid function but the main problem has been the mechanism by which the hypothalamus influences pituitary function.

Lesions in certain portions of the hypothalamus can cause precocious or delayed puberty depending upon whether there is an increased or decreased stimulation of the pituitary gland. Sebaceous gland hyperplasia develops in encephatitis lethargica. It is suggested that the encephatitis process may disturb the pituitary hormonal balance via nerve tracts leading to the pituitary.

It is a fact that caffeine excites the central nervous system at all levels. Cocoa contains 50 mg. caffeine and theobromine per cup. Cola nut used in the preparation of cola drinks gives about 35 to 50 mg. caffeine per bottle. Children are more susceptible than adults to excitation by xanthines.

It is advisable based on a multitude of clinical studies that stress and emotion play a small role in the development of acne vulgaris. To avoid breakouts, it is suggested to maintain a low-stress lifestyle.

Related Articles - steroid, ketosteroids, scientific study, lab study, acne causes, causes of acne,

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