The dogs that can enjoy the presence of their masters during the summer holidays are very lucky, but their absence on workdays and their late return can be destabilizing. However, 3-hour rides, a cozy basket, a bowl full of beautiful toys, these may all suit your dog, but they are definitely not what it likes most. No, dogs do not like being alone. You are more relaxed, more present and even more considerate when you are on vacation, but your dog is not. However, your dog is a social mammal, so it needs to feel that it belongs to a pack, to a group in order to function properly and be happy. The presence of another individual of the same species or that of a human "friend" gives it peace and harmony, distracts it and sometimes stimulates it. The social activity is an important aspect of a dog’s life. Changes in habits So if you have to spend too much time at work or at school, you should consider the fact that your best friend may feel the side effects. While two months earlier it had a change of pace to stay more in your presence (for its pleasure), now the effect is opposite: it must learn to manage on its own. The beach and the walks, the new smells and the changing environments, the family games – they are all deferred to the next vacation. Each season has its pleasures Your pet always needs to be entertained to enrich its daily life, so you need to be imaginative! Tanning sessions on a sun bed can be replaced with a nap on the couch. You can also play football games outside if the weather permits. You can take walks in the fresh air in the following afternoon after work and on weekends. Visit an online or local pet supply store to buy rubber toys for him. And then, you need to enable your dog to live the solitude of the day peacefully. Prepare it for the vacation, but do it gradually. Do not take it with you on all your outings, do not let it follow you everywhere around the house, do not always let it stay beside you and shorten the time for caresses. All these measures should help your dog cope with your departure better and should increase its excitement when you return. Walks with Dogs Walks between dog owners are becoming increasingly common. Their dogs allow them to meet and catch up. However, this is also an opportunity for dogs to meet other dogs and communicate with them, which is very important to them and their welfare. Behaviorist Stephanie Michaels organizes all kinds of trips for dogs, but also proposes a forum where dog owners can register and submit ideas for outings. Let’s walk: The Walk Your Dog Association Walks are probably the simplest and most accessible activities one can do together with their dogs. This idea was born on a blog that brings dog owners closer by offering them the opportunity to meet on a regular basis. This opportunity allows families and dogs accompanying them to share a friendly stroll. These initiatives favor exchanges between participants and between dogs. Photos and videos are posted on the blog after each outing. Whether in the forest, by the sea or in a meadow, all walkers are invited to suggest places for strolls. This is an opportunity to have a good time with your dog, to meet other people and to discover different unusual aspects of nature with training outdoor dog supplies. New Walks Your Dog points have been opened in France (in the Loire Atlantique, Tarn-et-Garonne and Charente). The walks are free and open to all dog owners. No prerequisites are required. The only prerequisite lies in the fact that the participants must adhere to the principles of the meetings, which do not aim to serve for the education or training of dogs. This place is intended as a place of encounter between humans and dogs. You can contact someone from the association for further information if you do not have the opportunity to join one of the trips this association offers. Who knows, maybe you will be the next to open an office in your area.
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