Photo handbags are one of the best new products that have come along in the handbag world. With so many handbags on the market that look alike, including many expensive designer handbags, it is nice to have a handbag with a personalized photo that will make it stand out from the crowd. The best part about these handbags is that they can literally have any photo imaginable displayed on them, so handbag owners can get as creative as their imaginations allow them to. Here are some great ideas for photos that will translate well to handbags. Photos of Loved Ones This is one of the most popular selections for photos on handbags. This idea is especially popular for mothers to display photos of their children. However, it is also a good idea for women to use pictures of their significant others on their handbags. Using photos of parents is often a great way to remember them, especially after they have passed away. When using photos of parents for the bag, add a touch of class to the bag by using a black-and-white photo of parents when they were young. The black-and-white makes the bag appear more elegant, and everyone seems to love old-time photographs of people. Photos of Celebrities This is another popular way people personalize their handbags with photographs. For people who want to go down this route, try to find a photo of a celebrity that is classy. Don't use bikini shots or party shots. Instead, use a photo of a celebrity all dressed-up for a night on the red carpet. This will make the bag appear more sophisticated. Landscapes Landscape photographs are one of the most beautiful ways to brighten up a handbag. Landscape photos are often full of vibrant colors, so they make for very cheery accessories when used on a handbag. Desert scenes and mountain scenes are particularly beautiful. Any shot that has a sunrise or sunset in it is always a good idea. Pastoral scenes bursting with flowers are also a good way to go. Historical Photographs Using these is another way to class up a handbag. Look for photos of famous celebrities, landmarks or events. Black-and-white photos are the best way to go when using historical photographs. They give the bag the classiest look, evoking a sense of old school charm. Vacation Photos Putting a memorable shot from a vacation on a handbag is a splendid idea. When a person does this, it allows them to relive the joy of the vacation every time they look at the handbag. Bags with vacation photos are often great conversation starters as well. Works of Art One of the most delightful ways to spice up a handbag is to use a photo of a great work of art. Whether it is a famous statue, sculpture or painting, works of art look great on handbags. These art photos really make a handbag stand out, earning its owner compliments. Use a photo of more obscure works of art to make them more distinct. Selecting Photo Handbags It behooves anyone purchasing a photo handbag to buy one made from high-quality leather. Leather gives the best look to this type of handbag and is also highly durable, lasting for decades if well-cared for. The added expense is well worth it. David Sheath is greatly experienced in the photo gifts industry. His website Photo Gifts Mall offers more than 400 fully customizable products, including affordable photo handbags that can be easily personalized with your own photos, logos, designs and text.
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