Abstract: An essential issue in developing semiconductor devices for photo-voltaics and thermo electric is to design materials with appropriate band gaps plus the proper positioning of do pant levels relative to the bands. Ternary Semiconductor alloys provide a natural means of tuning the magnitude of the forbidden gap for wide Application of Semiconductor devices. The need to provide materials for applications in the long-wavelength range for infrared detectors has led to the development of III-V Ternary alloys of InP1-xAsx Ternary Semiconductor. InP1-xAsx III-V Ternary semiconductor is very important as an x of a constituent in the semiconductor is going to have significant changes in calculating Physical Property like Band Energy Gap. These Ternary Compounds can be derived from binary compounds InAs and InP by replacing one half of the atoms in one sub lattice by lower valence atoms, the other half by higher valence atoms and maintaining average number of valence electrons per atom. The subscript X refers to the alloy content or concentration of the material, which describes proportion of the material added and replaced by alloy material. This paper represents the InP1-xAsx III-V Ternary Semiconductor Band Energy Gap values. Our results agree well with the Available data in the literature. Keywords: III-V Ternary Semiconductors, Composition, Indium, Arsenic, Phosphorus, Doping, Electrical Conductance, Band Energy Gaps, Band Gap Engineering, Electronic properties, Binary Semiconductors, Alloys. PACS codes: 81.05Ea, 81. 72.20.-I, 61.72.uf, 61.72.uj Introduction: 1) In the present work, the solid solutions belonging to InP1-xAsx III-V Ternary Semiconductor Band Energy Gap have been investigated. Doping of as component in a Binary semiconductor like InP and changing the composition of do pant has actually resulted in lowering of Band Energy Gap. Thus effect of do pant increases the conductivity and decreases the Band Energy Gap and finds extensive applications. The present investigation relates Band Energy Gap and Electro Negativity with variation of composition for InP1-xAsx III-V Ternary Semiconductor. The fair agreement between calculated and reported values of Band Energy Gaps Of InP and InAs Binary semiconductors give further extension of Band Energy Gaps for Ternary semiconductors. The present work opens new line of approach to Band Energy Gap studies in InP1-xAsx III-V Ternary Semiconductor. Recently much attention is paid to the study of Ternary Semiconductor materials and their Alloys for Application in design of Heterostructures. The important of all physical properties of these compounds are currently moving in to focus. Application of these Ternary Semiconductor materials in Optical devices has high experimental level of investigation. More attention is paid to the study of these compounds including Indium, Arsenic of III Group and Phosphorus from V Group. InP1-xAsx is most Important Ternary Semiconductor material with Arbitrary alloy between InP and InAs with P Composition ranging between 0 Of conductivity. The materials chosen as suitable do pants depend on the atomic properties of both the dopant and the material to be doped. In general varying Concentration that produce the desired controlled changes are classified as either electron acceptors or donors. Semiconductor alloys are made of elements from group III and group V on the periodic table such as InAs that is commonly used to interact with light in typical optical devices. InP1-xAsx ternary phosphates are potentially useful for opto electronic device applications. InP1-xAsx is a wide band-gap alloy that is often employed in red light emitting diodes (LEDs) [1, 2]. InP1-xAsx is useful material for long-wavelength surface emitting lasers [3]. Although some experimental and theoretical investigations have been reported on the band-structure parameters for III-V crystalline phases with zinc-blend structure [4, 5] many fundamental properties of these materials remain to be determined precisely. Today, the production and the use of InAs with technological devices with added as become more important gradually, increase more and more. Experimental studies on such type of produced semiconductor alloys are carried out intensively. This study was carried out to shed light on the future studies of scientists who experimentally prepare and test these alloys in laboratories to help them in determining the change in amounts of additives in Semiconductor alloys are made of elements from group III and group V on the periodic table such as InAs that is commonly used to interact with light in typical optical devices. InP1-xAsx ternary phosphates are potentially useful for opto electronic device applications. InP1-xAsx is a wide band-gap alloy that is often employed in red light emitting diodes (LEDs) [1, 2]. InP1-xAsx is a Useful material for long-wavelength surface emitting lasers [3]. Although some experimental and theoretical investigations have been reported on the band-structure parameters for III-V crystalline phases with zinc-blend Structure [4, 5] many fundamental properties of these materials remain to be determined precisely. Today, the Production and the use of InAs with technological devices with added P become more important gradually, Increase more and more. Experimental studies on such type of produced semiconductor alloys are carried out Intensively. This study was carried out to shed light on the future studies of scientists who experimentally prepare and test these alloys in laboratories to help them in determining the change in amounts of additives in alloys, and to determine the accordance of theoretical studies with experiments and other theoretical works. In the end, features of new semiconductor alloys that may be obtained by adding As to InP structure at various ratios were examined. In this study, electronic and optical properties of InP1-xAsx alloys (for x= 0, 0.40, 0.80 and 1) were calculated as a function of as composition. Obtained results were found in good agreement compared with experimental and theoretical data in literature. We have considered InP1-xAsx ternary alloys as having cubic symmetry in our calculation for all the five systems to maintain Consistency and simplicity. We expect that for x = 0.5 The alloy is a layered structure and should be non-cubic. We have taken four layers and hence a cubic unit cell for x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 we have replaced one, two and Three as atoms, respectively, by in to get the desired concentration of theoretical and experimental data [5, 12-14]. The band profiles and band gap values are in good agreement with the earlier theoretical works. The band gaps are smaller than the experimental values. The layout of this paper is given as followings: Objective: The main Objective of this paper is to calculate InP1-xAsx III-V Ternary Semiconductor Band Energy Gap values Theoretical Impact: The following relation calculates band Energy Gap of InP1-xAsx Eg (InP1-xAsx)=1-x* Eg (InP)+x*Eg (InAs)+SQRT (Eg (InP)* Eg (InAs))*x*1-x Where: Eg=Band Energy Gap X=As Composition. Additivity: Eg (InP1-xAsx)=1-X*Eg (InP)+X*Eg (InAs). Where: Eg=Band Energy Gap X=As Composition P Composition ranges: 0.0 0.40 0.80 1.00 Compound InP1-xAsx As Composition 0 0.4 0.8 1 1-X Values 1 0.6 0.2 0 Ter Eg 1.35 1.12 0.67 0.36 Additivity 1.35 0.95 0.56 0.36 Reported 1.352 0.98 0.54 0.36 This graph represents Band Energy Gap values of InP1-xAsx Future Plans: 1) Current data set of values of InP1-xAsx III-V Ternary Semiconductors and Band Energy Gap values include the most recently developed methods and basis sets are continuing. The data is also being mined to reveal problems with existing theories and used to indicate where additional research needs to be done in future. 2) The technological importance of the ternary semiconductor alloy systems investigated makes an understanding of the phenomena of alloy broadening necessary, as it may be important in affecting semiconductor device performance. Conclusion: 1) This paper needs to be addressed theoretically so that a fundamental understanding of the physics involved in such phenomenon can be obtained in spite of the importance of ternary alloys for device applications. 2) Limited theoretical work on Band Energy Gap of InP1-xAsx III-V Ternary Semiconductors with in the Composition range of (0 Results and Discussion: Band Energy Gap is used for Electrical conduction of semiconductors. This phenomenon is used in Band Gap Engineering. The band structures of the alloys show similar features To that of bulk InAs and InP. Acknowledgments. – This review has benefited from V.R Murthy, K.C Sathyalatha contribution who carried out the calculation of physical properties for several ternary compounds with additivity principle. It is a pleasure to acknowledge several fruitful discussions with V.R Murthy REFERENCES [1] Smokal, V., Derkowska, B., Czaplicki, R.,“Nonlinear optical properties of Zn1-xMgxSe and Cd1-xMgxSe crystals”, Optical Materials, 31: 518 –522 (2009). [2] Chen, A-B., Sher, A., “Electronic structure of pseudobinary semiconductor alloys AlxGa1-xAs, GaPxAs1-x, and GaxIn1-xP” Phys. Rev. B, 23: 5360– 5374 (1980). [3] Shimomura, A., Anan, T., Sugou, S., “Growth of AlPSb and GaPSb on InP by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy”, J. Cryst. Growth, 162: 121-125 (1996). [4] Sahraoui, B., Dabos-Seignon, S., Migalska-Zalas, A., “Linear and nonlinear optical properties Zn1-xMgxSe layers grown by MBE and LPD method” Opto-Electronics Review, 12: (4) 405-409 (2004). [5] Fredj, Debbichi, M., Said, M., “Influence of the composition fluctuation and the disorder on the bowing band gap in semiconductor materials”, Microelectronic J., 38: 860–870 (2007). [6] M. Robinson, P.D. 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