Many subliminal forums are providing CDs with recorded subliminal messages that may change the way you think, feel and react to certain situations. Scour the internet and you will be able to find some companies that concentrate on social psychology and cognitive behavioural therapy. Positive affirmations are recorded that are customized to encourage specific changes in the behaviour and belief of the individual’s mind. These subliminal messaging products should be played at the same volume that you would listen to music or the radio. There should be no crackling sounds or distortion and the hearing pitch may differ from person to person. It is important to understand that the messages are not consciously audible. Each statement may be repeated twenty to forty times. These repetitions gradually sink in to the person’s mind and changes or enhance their way of thinking. These messages are not delivered as a conscious exercise and therefore will differ in intensity when listened over a longer period of time. It is necessary to listen to these subliminal messages every day for about eight hours or every night for about ten hours. Some people notice a change in their way of thinking after about two weeks while for some it may take more than a month before they notice this change. The recordings are not consciously audible and are optimized to a frequency that is within the hearing range of the ear. This is set at 17.5 kHz whereas the normal frequency for audible hearing is between 400 to 800 kHz. When a person listens to the same positive statements, the recording from the hypnotic Mp3s reaches the brain which is a complex organ. The affirmations react positively and elicit change within the individual. Many Neuro-linguistic programming schools use these subliminal messaging products successfully. Many doctors also use it on patients for the Cognitive Behavioural therapy sessions. For example, if a person is diffident and selects hypnotic Mp3s that repeats affirmations such as “I am not very confident,” or I am extremely confident”, he will soon begin to believe that he is confident over a period. This will bring about a change for the better with this new way of thinking. The product may use present as well as future tense to create changes. The future tense is used to enhance and strengthen the individuals’ mind and help him improve for the better. Look for subliminal forums that offer high-quality messaging products that concentrate more on social psychology than the occult. When you listen to the messages from the CDs your though processing will accept about 30,000 to 40,000 affirmations daily. This will positively create a change in the individual’s mind over a month and you will see results in the way one thinks and feels. A person may find a difference within two weeks while another may take about eight weeks to experience a change. It is therefore important to select the right messaging products that will bring about a change in a particular way of thinking. You will find that it changes your lifestyle for the better. Resource Box Subology Subliminal Messages is an online company based in UK that is considered one of the best subliminal forums . If you are looking to change your way of thinking and improving your life, you can download some of their hypnotic mp3s and see the difference in a couple of weeks.
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