Nickelodeon is one of the most popular televised entertainment channels for children. Setting out in the late '70s, Nickelodeon managed to conquer a fair amount of public attention and air continuously in numerous houses - children love popular Nickelodeon characters such as SpongeBob Square Pants or Patrick, and nowadays the channel; innovated its program with various modern shows, with real characters and artists rather than fictional, cartoon puppets. If you dream of appearing on Nickelodeon, it means you are a creative, passionate invdividual who has high expectation from his or her future. If you're taking this matter seriously, then you may actually have a shot at appearing on Nickelodeon. You will most probably have to undergo numerous auditions, but then again - that's the world of acting! Nickelodeon auditions are not far different from common, normal acting auditions. The difference is in terms of prestige. You may feel more intimidated when you think that you're going to audition for such an important figure... but hey! Keep calm, they're only people! If you're talented and you feel that you can exceed current Nickelodeon stars in terms of talent and performance, I strongly advise you to take advantage of the opportunity. There are numerous websites which specialize in handing out information on Nickelodeon auditions. Do a quick browse and see for yourself - there are dozens, if not even hundreds. The main source is the most reliable, though - visit the official Nickelodeon websites in order to obtain information about when and where auditions are taking place. They usually state the requirements also, and make sure to check if you have to send your application prior to the actual audition. If the situation calls for such a major, be patient and wait for some feedback before proceeding with the casting call. Nickelodeon auditions require you to be talented, passionate, committed and realistic. You may consider training in fields such as acting and singing, and you also have to be familiar with the Nickelodeon shows. Also, remember that the channel is mainly about cartoons, so knowing your voice-over ABC may actually prove to be helpful. If you're committed to your cause, nothing ought to stop you - give your best at Nickelodeon casting calls! When literally attending the audition, make sure to be confident, comfortable and try to keep your stress level at a minimum. Don't let others intimidate you, and try to be as polite as possible - you never know who you may encounter! For more articles on Nickelodeon shows auditions and additional info on Nickelodeon casting calls make sure to visit us on a regular basis!
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