It’s said that ‘music has charms that soothe the savage beast’ (a phrase coined by poet William Congreve in ‘The Mourning Bride‘). There’s a lot of truth to this adage. Indeed, even some hardened criminals can soften up once they hear their favorite music being played. Music is the antidote to stress for a lot of people, helping them feel relaxed after an exhausting day at work. Listening to music can indeed be therapeutic, especially instrumental pieces that are slow. For those who aspire to play musical instruments like the piano, music schools like the Melbourne School of Music can be the answer to that aspiration. If you have the time and the commitment, learning how to play the piano can certainly be achieved. Whether you want to undertake lessons using classical style or you want to play the piano in a more contemporary way, this school has got that covered. Don’t worry if you think you were not born to play or you think that playing music is not in your genes. The lessons that will be provided are going to help you in your desire to play like a pro. One of the things that prevent someone from learning something is when he’s not used to being with other students. If this is the case for you, worry not, because lessons are conducted on a one-to-one basis. So you can rest assured that you’re the only person your teacher will attend to during the lessons. This will ensure focused coaching and lessons that are suited to your specific needs and requirements. Group classes are not ideal for music lessons since students have different degrees of ability and various learning curves. Students also have different progress rates, so an individualized program is ideal and in fact highly recommended for this type of learning. If you’ve always imagined yourself doing your own piano recital in a big hall with your proud parents watching, you have to be prepared for the exciting challenges ahead. Learning how to play this great musical instrument is certainly no walk in the park, but if you give it your utmost focus and commitment, you’ll surely be on your way to becoming the piano player you’ve always dreamed to be. Aside from the lessons you take, you also need to devote time to practice --- and lots of it. Even seasoned pianists practice at least four hours a day to be excellent in their craft. At this type of music schools, aside from giving you suitable lessons, you’ll also be prepared for exams in case they are required. There are organizations for music and the arts that require formal qualifications, and these schools can properly equip you with them. In Australia, mong such organizations are the Australian Music Examinations Board or AMEB and the Australian and New Zealand Cultural Arts or ANZCA. If you’re all set to learn how to play the piano or even how to play the guitar, you can check out and get started on your music education! Jesse Burns has been into music since he played his first guitar when he was five. His passion for it now extends to writing, and he is now a freelance blogger about music-related topics. If you’re looking to take piano lessons, check out
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