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Mining technologist, gomez, aiming for china not australia - China Wall Flower Stickers by e55he swrzsnb

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Mining technologist, gomez, aiming for china not australia - China Wall Flower Stickers by
Article Posted: 07/28/2012
Article Views: 82
Articles Written: 2033
Word Count: 568
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Mining technologist, gomez, aiming for china not australia - China Wall Flower Stickers

Business,Business News,Business Opportunities
BROKEN HILL - Rudi Gomez, the mechanical engineer responsible for the hugeCarrapateena copper discovery in South Australia's north who becamea multi millionaire from its sale last year, is persisting withadvancing mining and mineral processing technology breakthroughs hehas developed in recent decades. Delegates on the final day of the Resources & Energy Symposiumin Broken Hill learned that Adelaide-based Rudi Gomez was not justa mining man who tried his luck by getting State Governmentsponsorship to drill two holes into what is the major newcopper-gold discovery in the same region that contains Olympic Damand Prominent Hill. He reportedly put some of his assets on the line to undertake therisk drilling. Gomez and his associates retained the controlling share inCarrapateena when his company RMG Services joined Canadian partnerTeck Corporation in selling the advancing project to Oz MineralsLtd (ASX: OZL), operator of the Prominent Hill copper-gold mine.

Gomez outlined in Broken Hill today some of the technology advanceshis private company Cartwheel Resources is achieving and explainedto Mineweb why he is dealing with China and not Australia, theGovernment of which and industry groups had shunned his overturesfor support. He sees China as the growth vehicle in need of technologies toimprove such areas as those for cleaner water, cutting dependencyon importing oil, and creating more efficient mineral processtechnologies. Gomez said he was not interested in making big dollars but inseeing the technological processes he has created over the years gothrough pilot process to commercialisation. The Filipino undertook management roles in several mines in thePhilippines to improve production and metal recovery in rolesincluding chief metallurgist and mill superintendent.

On hisarrival in Australia 22 years ago he gained a Master of Sciencedegree from the University of South Australia. The technologies he is advancing include a diaphragm-lesselectrochemical cell that enables the recovery of copper from lowgrade primary ore that can lead to production of LME-grade ascathode plate or copper powder and low grade sulphides sent toheaps or dumps then through electrolyte by-pass and would seesilver-gold going to an anode route. Electrochemical extraction can deal with copper-zinc-gold-silverthat would go through sulphur separation and see processing routesto produce cathode copper and recover gold-silver by aprecipitation route Gomez has an electrolytic extraction process for deep copperdeposits where mining takes place in an hot rocks environment. There is an add-on electrolysis process to existing copperrefineries to eliminate anode casting and halve electricityconsumption.

His company has a coal research plant at Packenham in Victoria towork on coals from the Latrobe Valley where one of the testachievements has been to produce quality oil extraction and cleanerpower coal from brown coal. Gomez said there is a microwave "stirred bed commercial process"for coal or oil shale that sees microwave de-polymerisation oflong-chain hydrocarbon molecules in coal that can produce a seriesof light, waxy and heavy oils. Gomex said Australia's Energy & Resources Minister MartinFerguson had said the import demand for oil in Australia could growto a cost of $A82 million a day. China's thirst is far greater andhe believes efficient oil-from-coal would save China a colossalamount on oil import costs. Clean water was an issue that interests the Chinese greatly andthis was another process on which he was working.

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