Car accident is one of the leading causes of injury that mostly leads to death. Most people do not realize that some of the main causes of car accidents are mostly the drivers themselves. But how do car accidents really happen in the road? Statistics show that the number one causes of car accidents are distracted driving. This usually happens when the driver diverts attention from the road to other things including talking someone on the phone, sending an SMS or even by eating. The second reason for car accident occurrences usually accounts for overspeeding. A lot of drivers ignore speed limits without having to realize that speed can kill. As you drive faster, your reaction time gradually slows, resulting to a higher incidence of car accidents. Other top causes of car accidents as suggested by statistics are driving under the influence of alcohol at top 3, reckless driving and heavy rain and/or fog formation on the 4th and 5th spot. All these accommodate a certain percentage of car accidents which could have been prevented with proper measures. Almost 40% of car accidents involve alcohol and accidents usually happen between midnight to 3 A.M. It was recorded that almost all kinds of road accidents happen within just three miles of the driver’s home. Although all fifty states in the US have varying seatbelt laws, statistics still shows that car accidents which leads to injury occurs in an average of every 14 seconds; fatal injuries related to car accidents approximately occurs every 12 minutes. It was in 1904 that the first speeding ticket was issued to a driver for overspeeding at the rate of 12 miles per hour. For the damages incurred herewith, car crashes are estimated to cost $518 billion worldwide. Low to middle-income countries lost an estimate of $65 billion annually. An average of 1,000 people under the age of 25 dies in the most roads, globally, nearing 400,000 deaths each year. Annual Statistics in the United States recorded a total of 37,000 deaths each year. With this, over 1,600 are mostly children under the age of 15. Road crashes accounts to about $230.6 billion damages per year, around $820 for each person involved in the car accident. While 20-50 million are disabled or injured annually during road accidents, global statistics also reveal that almost 1.3 million people lost their lives in car crashes, with a shocking 3,287 morbidity in a day. Death occurs mostly in young adults ranging from ages 15-44. Road crashes is ranked 9th among the leading causes of morbidity worldwide and is the leading cause of death in people with the age of 15-29 and 2nd among the deaths of the young ages 5-14. It was also predicted that by 2030, car accidents will be the 5th leading cause of road traffic injuries if proper actions are not taken. If you are under 25 and struggling to find a better deal for insurance, it is well worth checking out Infochoice and their vehicle insurance quotes online.
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