There are plenty of careers in which you’ll be asked to wear safety goggles and the reasons for doing so can be many and varied. When it comes to construction site work, however, some people might feel eyewear is unnecessary – but this couldn’t be further from the truth. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration website, eye and face protection is essential in all manner of jobs, as it can guard against all kinds of hazards, whether this is dust, chemical fumes, molten metals and other substances that could seriously damage the eyes of an employee. While some employers will assist staff with eyecare vouchers and the like, it is equally important to make sure the eyes are protected while on the job itself. Here are just five such hazards you might find on a typical construction site. Chipped materials Perhaps one of the most obvious things that will pose a problem in a construction environment are small pieces of wood or metal that become airborne as a result of drilling, sawing or even demolition. Nails Whether you are using a nail gun or a hammer, nails can very easily go astray and cause serious injury. If they end up backfiring or ricocheting into the eye, they could cause irreparable damage resulting in blindness. Dust One of the easiest and sometimes unnoticeable ways you can damage your eyes on site is as a result of airborne dust. This may come from being in an old building that is being refurbished, or from general wood or construction work – either way, it is essential to "put on protective eyewear to guard against this. Irritant chemicals Adhesives and cleaning chemicals may be commonplace on your site, but are you aware of how damaging they could be if they were to get into your eyes? It is incredibly easy for liquids in particular to splash up when you least expect it, so do what is necessary to protect yourself. Fire and heat It isn’t just liquids and solids that can harm the eyes, extreme heat from fires and molten metals can also cause serious damage. Even if you are just tossing waste on to a fire, safety goggles are an absolute must at all times, as the heat, fumes, smoke and ash can all cause injury.
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