If you work in a factory you’ll know that ear plugs, overalls and safety glasses can protect you from harm, but there are other ways to keep safe. Here’s how to stay well protected while packing boxes, loading products onto a conveyor belt and working with hazardous materials: Attend training Whether you’ve just started a new job or have been doing the same thing for years, it’s important to attend regular training. Operating mechanical equipment and using dangerous chemicals can be extremely hazardous, so you must keep up-to-date with the relevant information. If you’re worried about completing a certain task, always ask for assistance and speak to your manager about shadowing a colleague. Voicing your concerns and seeking the help of others will keep the factory safe. Obey rules and regulations Rules and regulations are essential within a working environment, so make sure you follow them. Obey company procedures at all times and listen to any safety advice given to you by your manager or supervisor. Always wear the correct personal protective equipment and don’t be afraid to ask if you’re lacking a hard hat or a pair of reinforced boots. Many companies also provide corporate eye care vouchers for prescription safety glasses, waterproof jackets and such like, so find out what the procedure is. Look out for other staff members A lot of factory jobs require team work, so always look out for your colleagues. Make sure everyone’s safe and pull together to complete certain tasks. If you see someone acting irresponsibly, remind them of the safety rules and ask if you can help them out. Be mindful of people with work-related injuries and try to make their life easier whenever you can. Accidents do happen, but they’re less likely if everyone works together sensibly. Respect machinery If you work with powerful machinery on a day-to-day basis it can be easy to become overly relaxed – but it’s essential to remember that factory tools can be dangerous. Never tamper with safety guards and avoid pushing buttons aimlessly as this could cause an accident. Always follow safety instructions and react if you see a warning sign or hear an unusual noise. Even the most reliable equipment can break down, so it’s wise to be on the ball. Take regular breaks Working long hours can be very tiring, so it’s important to step outside for some fresh air every so often. Stop what you’re doing for a few minutes throughout the day and take time to refresh your brain. If you think you’re entitled to more breaks than you’re getting, speak to your manager and ensure you don’t get overly fatigued. You’re likely to make mistakes if you feel tired and this could be dangerous. Factory work can be hazardous, so act sensibly at all times.
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