Sure you know that most of a baby's day involves sleeping eating and bowel relief. Do you understand why a baby will move his body the way he does? Have you figured out the secret to infant development? Many adults do not take the time to learn exactly how their children mature. For people who are interested in becoming parents, however, baby and early childhood development is a fascinating subject. Every day is a surprise when you have a baby! Only half of the things you have learned about babies is correct. Read on to learn more about babies and early childhood development! Babies are sensitive to light before they are born. Your eyes are very intricate organs that consist of millions of fibers and nerve endings. The sheer coordination needed for your eyes to function correctly will astound you. Babies' eyes are already useful by a few months after conception takes place. By about six months into your pregnancy your baby will be sensitive to light. Another amazing "eye fact" about babies: most Caucasian babies are born with blue eyes but will "settle in" to their permanent eye color by the time they are a few months old. Most Caucasian babies are born with eyes that are blue and that change later on. So don't get excited if your baby has blue eyes at birth. They might not stay that way! All babies know how to hold their breath and how to swim when they are born. This is something that begins to fade very quickly. Because of this, many early childhood experts recommend that women have water births. Because the baby spends the first few months of their lives basically swimming inside their mothers' wombs, experts believe that giving birth in water helps to ease the transition. "Traditional" birthing in a hospital room is believed to be one of the reasons that babies have such a hard time adjusting to life outside of mom: the harsh transition is too traumatic. Did you know that at one point your baby had a tail? It's a fact! During the first few weeks after conception babies grow tails along with their brains, hearts and lungs. While the rest of the baby's vital organs continue to develop after birth, the tail has usually long since disappeared into the rest of the baby's body by the time it is born. The whole process is similar to the way tadpoles grow up to be tail-less frogs. Not everyone completely outgrows their tails-some people are born with tails that are still partially intact. There are two options available to you if your baby is born with his tail still intact: waiting and hoping that it goes away or having it removed via surgery. Thankfully, the tail has no bearing on the rest of the child's health and can be removed without worry. Every day new developments are made in childhood development. What we know to be true right now could be debunked tomorrow! With the rate of discovery, is it any wonder that so many people find babies and infancy so confusing? With a little effort anyone can keep up with all of the new discoveries being made. Babies are more complex than most people think. Babies' needs are very specific. It is important that you learn how to communicate with your baby. Learning everything you can about how babies develop is also important. The more you know, the stronger a parent you will be! The following tips can certainly be helpful for yourself and also for your child throughout and right after the pregnancy. Yet, if you aren't pregnant yet and you're simply searching for ways which will help you to choose your own baby' gender right before conception, in that case check out this website about Plan My Baby or this page on Plan My Baby and read about all-natural program which can help you to significantly improve your odds of selecting your own baby' gender just before the pregnancy.
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