What’s the best recourse to rein in unsolicited email breakdowns…ISPs, POP3/IMAP, or SMTP? This sounds bit of a rhetoric if you are not really versed in emailing dynamics. It’s a bit like talking the art of movie making without having any base with screenplay, scripting, cinematography and so on. Putting the lid on word play, let’s head to a lowdown on key emailing fundamentals. Webmail: If you’re in your early email days, or are still on the make of a new domain or hosting, you most definitely have been feeding on basic free email services like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. These services are open to free worldwide access on web browsers—stuff like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and the like. Now, to reach your domain email, you need Webmail working on top of the web browser. So, say your domain goes like: abc.com, then to login to your email account on abc.com, you’ve got to login to http://abc.com/webmail POP 3: POP3, in a sense, is more definitive of the pre-webmail era. It’s largely associated to client programs like Outlook, Eudora, and Thunderbird etc. With POP3, your email client screens out the mail server with your assigned username and password. Then begins a key search-and-download process. POP3 scans the server out for messages designated to you, and downloads them to your email client. Mostly, the POP3 erases your messages off the server soon after they get transferred onto your email client. IMAP: The grounds of difference between a POP3 and IMAP are their engagement with web servers. While POP3 downloads messages out of the server, IMAP makes email client read messages directly from the server itself—messages don’t download on the email client. In the end, it’s up to you to discard or store the message for a later time. SMTP: Email transfers between two Windows operated systems bank heavily on the SMTP Server Services, which programs email flow from one computer to another. Say you are out to send an email message to sam@abc.com . In your email program or webmail, you type out sam@abc.com in the ‘send to’ dialogue box. Your SMTP server picks it up, and directs your email to the SMTP at abc.com. abc.com’s SMTP picks up message destination off source SMTP (sam@abc.com), corroborates with recipient’s id (sam@abc.com), and when they match up, it passes on the message to Sam’s POP3. In case Sam’s SMTP service can’t make out the destination address, or if destination doesn’t exist, the message is redirected back to your SMTP server with a tagged failure notification. Now to the moot question, ‘what really controls your emails?’ Emails go through a defined process chain linked up by the POP3, IMAP and SMTP. But it’s the SMTP server that’s the most significant because it can call a halt to your email proceedings almost singularly. Seasoned emailers, frequent travelers, and email freaks know best that professional SMTP services bring a lot to the table in terms of email security, longevity, and sustainability. A lot many of them, like Mysendmail free SMTP server, offer free usage and super device-compatibility. What’s more, the ease of set up makes it a tough act to follow. To know more about SMTP server, free SMTP server services, and free device settings, visit: www.mysendmail.com Author: The author is a business analyst in downtown Boston. His is always on the trot, and hence, deals first hand with emails on the go. Mysendmail.com is his strong recommendation for a Free SMTP Server, after he discovered that Mysendmail works globally, is extremely simple, and involves no complicated configuration processes.
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