Phones are being developed as fast as we can buy them and being surpassed within just a few months. The mobile world is booming as hundreds of mobile applications are being released each day. On top of that there are new accessories to connect to your mobile device that add features or simply do cool things. We are going to talk about some of the accessories for your smartphones and just how cool these things are. The first is the eco-amp from the LA based developer eco-made. This thing is an amplifier that is composed of purely recycled paper as opposed to plastics and a battery. This thing is more of an old school horn from a gramophone player rather than a new-age speaker. There are not speakers in this accessory in fact it simply increases the audible volume of your iPhone. Next up is the sensordrone from kickstarter. This bad boy is small enough to fit on a key chain but complex enough to collect sensory data from the area around it and relay it via Bluetooth to your android-based smartphone. This thing has dozens of environmental sensors within that are capable of measuring temperature, pressure, proximity, color intensity, humidity, illumination, and it even contains 3 different gas sensors. It can function as a gas leak detector or an emergency breathalyzer. It is capable of relaying a continuous stream of data, immediate results or even stores the information for later as a CSV file. These devices can be pricey but cost much less the more you buy at once. It appears that the developer envisions this device creating an environmental detection network that will assist in detection disasters faster and easier. Our next accessory is rather mind blowing. Shaka has created a wind meter device that attaches to your phone and will help you measure the wind speed where you are at. You simply plug it into your headphone jack and let the wind start spinning the blades and turn on the accompanying app. This beauty is capable of measuring not only wind speed, but direction and temperature as well. For those that hate getting their iPhone wet this is for you. The drisuit endurance waterproof iphone case is a thing of beauty when it comes to phone protection. It is a water and shock-proof case that still allows the use of your touch screen, even while under water. There are many cases out there already that claim to do this, but what makes this particular device stand out is a transparent gel pad that you lay on top of your screen before closing the case. This enables all of the sensitivity your phone usually has without endangering it. Its rated depth is one meter or roughly 3 feet into the water before it will not work. Yet factory tests show that the unit works in up to 5 meters or about 16 feet of water. Last but not least we have the enerplex solar charger for the iPhone. It is claimed to be the least bulky device of its kind in the world. For a measly 72g added to the weight of your phone you gain the ability to literally charge your phone with the sun’s rays. The case is designed to allow clear access to the buttons, charger port, and speakers of you iPhone while also leaving the rear facing camera to remain unobstructed. The claim is that this thing can add 170 hours of standby time, 19 hours of audio playback, 5 and a half hours of video playback, 3 and a half hours of internet surfing, and 5 and a half hours of wi-fi from a full charge. That is simply phenomenal. These devices add to the already amazing smart phones of our time and these developers are by no means done yet. Mobile applications are right up there next to accessories for innovation and the future is certainly bright for mobile devices. In a world where connectivity and integration are quickly becoming the norm there is no telling what we might end up with in a month or two. The fact is the field of mobile development is just exploding and showing no signs of stopping. Companies like MoroInteractive are working hard to produce the new app or accessory of choice. Dreams are becoming reality and people are starting to show that the only limitation to what we can create is what we can think up. So keep out and enjoy the future as it is now.
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smartphone accessories, mobile technology,