The term cloud computing was influenced by some fast-growing Internet companies like Amazon , Google and Yahoo. These companies were providing because of the rapid growth of their user base with the problem of having to hold ever-growing systems (for example, this would be for Amazon Christmas sales) and sufficient performance at peak load times. For Amazon this peak load in 2006 was higher by a factor of 10 as the base load in daily operations. To address this problem, it was decided to make the architecture and the services that they had to master with the designed in part fluctuating or very high numbers of users and established, to a product that you offer to the outside world, ie that this problem during peak times on the users of the cloud is distributed. For Amazon this step was the mid-2000s, a logical consequence, since it internally at this time already to small fast-moving teams had changed sides, the new functionalities based on the existing cloud infrastructure implemented. The scale effects of cloud-based services have been so for the product “cloud computing” itself, from which one since there is not only internally but also externally offered. Read More- Definition and levels of Cloud Computing
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