A healthy colon means a healthy body. The occasional cleansing of the intestines prevents obesity, constipation, yeast overgrowth which is called candida and other irritating symptoms. If you feel fatigued, unwell and sluggish it can do no harm to give a colon cleanser a try. If our colon is not working properly, we feel all the above symptoms because the malfunction of the intestines leads to the liver not working properly which, in turn, puts a strain on other organs such as the kidneys. Our lifestyle is largely to blame for the sorry state of our intestines. Over eating, mainly of unsuitable foods such as biscuits, processed foods and all other convenience foods we find in the supermarket will contribute to faecal matter becoming slimy and difficult to eliminate. We were never made to eat all these junk foods at all. This morning there was a scientist who has done a calculation of obesity in the world. The United States of America is the worst culprit of all with nearing fifty per cent of its population classed as overweight. The scientist stated that soon it will put a strain on the world food situation as, of course, fat people eat more and he reckons that they eat enough to feed an extra billion mouths. Apart from being obviously good for health, cleansing has also the happy by product of being able to reduce the weight of people. So how are we going about to get our body back to health? If you are a busy working person, then the easiest way is to cleanse our colon with the help of some very good commercial preparations which you can find on the internet. Some of them have good write-ups which you can also read. You can then make an informed decision on which one seems the best for you. These products do not require you to go on a detox diet, but it is strongly advised that you should immediately stop eating all junk food. Organic produce and fruits and vegetables you can grow yourself are the best option. Although meat is good for you, too much protein is hard to process by your intestines so it should be consumed in moderate amounts. If you are not averse to dairy products, then there is also a way to do the detoxifying of your body the natural way. This can be done in stages, the first stage being the elimination of all foods from your diet, bar vegetables in any form. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli and legumes are the best you can eat has been allowed to ferment and this stage. Other good sources are sauerkraut which should be fermented and not preserved with vinegar and artichokes. In the second stage other foods can be introduced very gradually and, if necessary one of the commercial preparations can be used at this stage. However, dairy products, especially live yoghurt can be substituted for the capsules as they are a good source of probiotics. For any information about a Colon cleanser and products of a similar nature, please have a look at or website at http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/
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