A lot goes into building an online brand, and a professional website is one of the key elements that guarantee business success on the Internet. Whether you hire a professional web designer or do it yourself, your web design has to reflect your business, and for that 4 important components have to be integral to the design. You will find these characteristics in almost every successful website you come across. This means that if you incorporate the characteristics we discuss below would cement the success of your website design. Let us discuss these 4 key elements that together form a success mantra for your professional web design- Strong Structure (layout), Navigation (Menu Bar, Internlinking of Pages), Useful Information (Textual Content & Images), and Visual Design (Fonts, Colour, Graphics). No matter how clichéd it may seem, but these four are and will always be 4 most important features of any web design, despite the ever-changing web design philosophies and styles. An elaborate explanation on these points is mentioned below: STRONG STRUCTURE (Layout) Whether you are creating a building, or a website, a strong foundation is the core to a successful final product. A web design with faulty structure/layout cannot reach the pinnacle of success, even if it has other essential success elements. Layout is done by creating a wireframe that decides on the placement of your content and navigational elements. Sticking to the basics is the key to keep the layout useful. When working on the structure of the website, you should also ensure that there is ample white space on each web page (Here, white space doesn’t necessarily have to be blank white space; it is just a blank space in the web page that makes the content readable). NAVIGATION (Menu Bar, Interlinking of Pages) Navigation in the header, footer, sitebars and other forms has to be decided when working on a professional website design. Keeping users in mind, you should work out the navigation which is easy to use and guarantees hassle-free browsing experience for the site visitors. General rule of thumb is that the primary navigation links should be placed in the header, while secondary navigation links should be placed in footer. But this is just one example. There are various other navigation styles that can help you place your primary and secondary navigation links effectively. Another important aspect of navigation is interlinking of web pages. Any broken link on the site can be a great turn off for the users. USEFUL INFORMATION (Textual Content & Images) A websites with strong structure, navigation and visual appeal is nothing without relevant content. No website design can achieve success without useful high-quality and original content that helps the site visitors in knowing more about your brand and coming to a conclusion about buying your products/services. Images in web design are equally important, and using relevant images can greatly compliment your website, guiding the visitors on what the web page is all about. VISUAL DESIGN (Fonts, Colour, Graphics) Many web designers claim that usability and structure of a website are just enough to ensure online success. However, unless you appeal the visual sensibilities of your target audience, you direct them to read your content and take a desirable action on the site. This is why, visual design of the site is just equally important for the success of your website. When we talk about visual design, the typography, colours, graphics and everything that appeals to the visual sensibility of the visitors has to be considered. Too small or too big font sizes or unreadable fonts can make the site unreadable. Similarly, the choice of colours also greatly determines the success or failure of your site. Using dark colour in the background of the web page along with a dark coloured font would hide the content, making it unreadable. Last but not the least, graphic design also comprises the visual design of the site. Memorable graphics in a website contribute highly in its success. Sigmainfotech Pty Ltd is an expert in creative web design by professional web designers at a short time period.Fonts,Graphics,Colors and Site Structure is usually helpful to target your audience.
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