There are very good reasons why New York City is such a popular spot with photographers. With its astounding skyline, boroughs, famous and historic landmarks like the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, and museums, New York offers the widest range of urban photographic subjects. If that weren’t enough, it also has a bustling and world famous fashion industry whose photographers have made a name for themselves in style and couture photography. New York City is also one of those big cities filled with people from all nationalities, communities and walks of life living and working in the same space. This automatically opens up vistas of interpersonal communication, and combinations of dress, food, and non-verbal communication that no NYC photographers could miss. It is also the financial capital of the US, and a news hub, so journalistic Photographers in NYC have an established business too. If someone who has never visited New York were asked to imagine it, it would be an easy task, given how frequently New York City is photographed and how iconic some of these photographs are. Any Photographer NYC worth his salt would have tried to capture one more image of the Statue of Liberty from an angle no one has seen before. Or another image of Fifth Avenue with its long line of posh shops. Or the innumerable food stalls lining the streets downtown. Of course, every few years a Hollywood film will be made featuring New York in either its minimalist detail tracing stories of characters trying to survive in New York City, or on a massive scale where blocks are destroyed by aliens or superheroes. Photography in New York City has been a long-time tradition. Black and white images of pre and post-World War I and II have sketched a rich tradition of New York. Notable are names like Diane Arbus, who shot black and white photographs of deviant and marginal peoplelike circus performers or the differently abled in New York in the 1940s. Robert Mapplethorpe would deviate from tradition again in the 1960s and 70s to photograph often controversial aspects of his personal life and of New York. Poverty and richness, rags and fur coats have received equal attention in New York’s photography. Even today, Photography in New York is as myriad as is possible. The city witnesses a large number of click happy tourists every year who visit all those spots made iconic by the city’s photographers. Journalists and the paparazzi are to be found aplenty, wielding their cameras and capturing events for posterity. Food, fashion, theatre, Wall Street, protests, Christmas decorations, billboards and people are all equally fascinating subjects for photography in New York.
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