You've been flipping through the pages of the last few issues of your corporate magazine. Tired of that same old look? More importantly, do you think your readers are tired of that same old look? Do you ever get feedback from your readers? What do they say? What articles do they comment on more often than others? If your feedback is neutral or negative, and if you are interested in increasing circulation, maybe you should think about a makeover. Maybe you should be talking to a full service printer. After all, a company which has been providing the same service for decades ought to be able to come up with some ideas that are worth considering. Sit down with them, and let them flip through the pages of your magazine. We'll assume that you are in the business of financial planning. One thing about this field is that it is absolutely vital to anyone and everyone, and so people should be extremely interested in the content of your magazine. Keep in mind that a full service printer is kind of like a doctor: he's seen lots of cases, and so he has developed an eye for what works and what doesn't. There is a tendency for printers to simply accept whatever it is you want to print and go with it - after all, they have orders to fill and are often under pressure to do so. This is called inertia, and it is to be avoided. The sales and customer service departments of your full service printing organization will certainly be willing to pitch in and help you with ideas if they know that that is what you want. The key is for you to express your concerns and ask for suggestions; otherwise, inertia takes over. We suggest that you spend an entire day going through magazine that you like and look for ideas that would suit you as well. You can go to the magazine rack at Wal Mart and grab twenty or twenty five magazines and for a hundred dollars or so can have a huge variety of new ideas to choose from. Go through each of these magazines and put a paper clip on each page that has an idea that interested you for your magazine. Winnow your picks down to fifteen idea that you think are great, and then talk to your printing company contacts about these ideas. Get feedback from them. You may end up with six or seven ideas that you both think are terrific and are doable, and then you go through the layout for your next magazine and you start to work those ideas into your new layout. Go back and reevaluate and get the opinion of others as well. If no one sees a problem, give it a try. Contact Conquest Graphics today for more information about what we can do to improve your magazine.
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Magazine, Printer, Printing, Graphics,