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Thoughts of Defiance by Gene Myers

Thoughts of Defiance by
Article Posted: 06/11/2012
Article Views: 1582
Articles Written: 221
Word Count: 977
Article Votes: 49
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Thoughts of Defiance

First, I am not a defiant individual. Not at all. Smart-alecky? For sure. A rabble-rousing, status quo-disrupter? That’s me! (But, I like to do it with stealth.) The defiance in this title refers to Defiance, Ohio, a hamlet located at the confluence of the Auglaize and Maumee Rivers. The name originated with General “Mad” Anthony Wayne who built a fort and defied all the Indians and forces in Hell to take it. So far neither has.

Decades ago when I grew up and attended school there, it was an idyllic village of about 12,000. The downtown main drag closely resembled Disneyland’s Main Street, and was a hive of activity and prosperity. Then “progress” happened, to wit:

The city council added a third floor to the court house, and created an architectural monstrosity; a nauseating eyesore without equal. If “butt-ugly” appeared in Webster’s Dictionary it would be best described by a picture of that courthouse—the Great Sphincter of Northwest Ohio, not to be confused with the Great Sphinx at Giza.

Someone decided downtown colorful, animated, buzzing, neon signs were bad, which were removed and replaced with amateurish, second-rate, and cheesy signage. About the same time a snazzy mall was built on the north side of town to lure national chains.

People decided they’d rather purchase goods from the new mall or national big box stores instead of local shopkeepers. Mom-and-Pop stores were abandoned and replaced by artsy-fartsy shops that are (to be frank) seedy, and that’s putting it kindly. Downtown is a ghost town compared to the so-called good-old-days.

On the National side of this perfect storm, Americans became fed up with vehicular junk and the arrogant let-the-buyer-beware attitude (management and union) of the Big-3 US automakers, and started buying Japanese cars. To compete, Detroit adopted Japanese manufacturing methods (ironically taught to Japan by two Americans: Deming and Juran), which featured, among other things, greatly reduced numbers of suppliers. Defiance, Ohio included many prosperous factories and light industries supporting the automotive and automotive after-market. One-by-one over twenty (or so) years they fell by the wayside. As a result the nice middle class community lost tax revenues, and discretionary spending of business owners, executives, middle managers, and professionals. The private country club closed due to lack of members and later became a public course. When the dust settled, a dingy, blue-collar, pretender took the place of what was Defiance, Ohio. The same scene has been repeated in towns all over the Midwest, especially throughout Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.

Successors of the mental giants who created the bilious courthouse have torn down the grade schools of my youth, the old Diehl Brewing Company; and have plans to raze the high school building I attended and a beautiful Carnegie Library. The reasons make a sort of sense in that the buildings were/are old and expensive to maintain. But, Defiance is becoming unrecognizable, and at the same time seamier and sleazier. As a contrast in philosophy, Celle, Germany is comprised of picturesque buildings erected from 14th through 17th centuries that have been continually upgraded and still look new. The village is breath-taking.

As a result of Defiance’s “new” status, the north side mall is largely devoid of shoppers, and store units are systematically closing.

I no longer have family there, and only a few old friends remain. There is little reason for me to return. However, when I’m in a reflective mood and my mind drifts back to another time, the Defiance of my youth is still there—returning like Brigadoon. It will always be there.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I penned the little ditty below, I employed sonata form; viz., statement (theme 1), statement (theme 2), fantasia (includes both themes), and restatement (repeat of first section); or A, A, B, A. I hope you like it.


Under a California sky

I glide in the surf at Newport

No matter where I cast my eye

All I behold is tranquil

But why do I still pretend?

I’m there with my friends again

At school—right around the bend

From the corner of Clinton and “A” Street


Last time I was in that place

My face smiled a certain gladness

But it had been five decades since

And I sensed a touch of sadness

But good (and bad) things must end

Though at times I still pretend

I’m there—right around the bend

From the corner of Clinton and “A” Street


Southland, bright and blue

Southland, pretty girls too

Homeland, where’ve you gone?

Homeland, it’s been so long

--- Under the California skies

I lie in the sand at Newport

Wondering when I close my eyes

If I’ll ever find contentment

Oh, why do I still pretend?

My friends are alive again

And near—just around the bend

At the corner of Clinton and “A” Street

You may be wondering if I’m such a status quo-disrupter, what’s my beef? Here it is: I am an advocate of continuous improvement not chaotic change. What happened to Defiance, Ohio was change, but not improvement! When self-serving politicians and business leaders sign-up for chaotic change, the result is present day Detroit, Michigan…and Defiance, Ohio…and Kokomo, Indiana…and…

By Gene Myers author of AFTER HOURS: Adventures of an International Businessman (2009) non-fiction from Strategic Publishing Group, New York, NY, and SONGS FROM LATTYS GROVE (2010) fiction from PublishAmerica, Baltimore, MD. Both available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Also available from Amazon Kindle and Nook.


Other books by Gene Myers: LEADERTRIP: A Lesson in Organizational Transformation (1993), and THE BLATHERSKITE’S REWARD (1974).

Related Articles - Defiance, Ohio, prosperity, ghost town, Japanese cars, continuous improvement,

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